He thinks you're cheating (Ash)

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After a long day of shopping you came home and went through everything you bought. You were especially excited about the shoes you had bought for Ashton so you set them out near the door to see if he would notice when he got home. You left a new dress and shoes out near the couch so you could show him later. When you took your newly boughten clothes upstairs your cat had followed you into your room. It was a stray that you and Ashton found in your garden once and it kept coming back so eventually you took it in.

"What do you think?" you said, holding up a shirt for the cat to see. After putting all your clothes away you sprawled out on the bed as your cat joined you. You thought you heard a noise so you jumped up, but then disregarded it as you settled back down.

"You're so cute" you giggled as your cat licked your finger slightly. Again, you thought you heard a noise but you convinced yourself that you were just hearing things because you were alone. "It's so nice having you here when Ashton's gone. I hate being alone, and he's gone quite a lot" you sighed, "When he goes on tour it's just gonna be me and you and we can lay in bed all day". The cat moved onto its side "Oh, you want me to rub your belly? I love you so much" you giggled.

"What the fuck is going on? I swear to god if you have your hands on her I'm gonna kick your-" Ashton yelled as he entered your room but then stopped when all he saw was you and your cat. "What the hell, Ashton?" you yelled back, jumping up and scaring your cat away as it ran past Ashton out the door. "It's just...I thought that...well, you see" he tried to explain, sighing and laughing in relief. "I saw the men's shoes by the door and I saw your dress and shoes on the couch and then I heard you saying all that stuff and I just thought that...there was another guy here" he said, hanging his head and seeming ashamed. "Ashton, I went shopping! I bought those shoes for you and I wanted to show you my new outfit, and I was talking to the cat!" you explained. He walked over and pulled you into his arms tightly. "I'm sorry, I just love you so much and I never want to lose you. I'm sorry if I scared you...and the cat" he said, kissing the top of your head. "I love you too, and it's okay. I would never do that!" you smiled, "Plus I think the cat is afraid of you now".

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