Wings (Soulmate) Pt.2

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(Michael's P.O.V)
We were in the middle of playing Jet black heart for the first time as suddenly my wrist started to sting. I didn't know what was going on so I panicked and just dropped my guitar to the place. I mean- I had heard of the soulmate system, but I didn't know at the moment that it was my tattoo appearing. Though I understood it when there was two wings at my wrist. A big smile crept up to my face as I showed the tattoo to my bandmates.
Their eyes went wide.
"Holy fucking balls", I breathed, looking at my wrist like hypnotized. I thouched it, but as soon as my hand made a contact with it, I winced. It was sore.
"Congrats, buddy", Ashton said excitedly and Calum went to his mic.
"Hey guys, Mikey just got his tattoo."
The crowd screamed. Multiple girls started to cry because of the fact I wasn't their soulmate.
"I think it's lame and girly!" Luke joked.
"Shut up Luke", I said rolling my eyes playfully. I actually liked the wings.
"Yeah, shut up Luke", Calum repeated.
After the show I went on my phone and put out a tweet. A picture of the tattoo and caption:
"Got my tattoo. Amazeballs".
I was so excited for finally knowing I actually had a soulmate. I hoped that she would see the tweet and contact me as soon as possible.
Even though I hadn't met her yet I knew I loved her already.
You woke up to the voice of your phone ringing. Without bothering to even look who was calling you answered with a tired voice, making sure they knew they had woken you up.
"HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!" your best friend squealed and you laughed.
"Thank you so much!", you said, "But why couldn't this wait until I was awake?"
"It's 2 PM for fucks sake y/n!" y/b/f/n said to the phone, "Even though it's holiday you still can't sleep the whole day!!"
"Wanna bet?" you said with sassy voice and laughed.
"No. Anyways, I called to let you know that we are going to a concert tonight! It's your b-day present, and I KNOW you're gonna love it!" she said happily and you yawned.
"Thank you! When is it?"
"9 PM, and you better be ready at 6!"
Then she said quik goodbyes before hanging up.
Shrugging, you put your phone away and threw some random comfy clothes on
before deciding to have breakfast from the nearest Starbucks, which was just couple of blocks away; You decided to walk.
(Michael's P.O.V)
We were sitting in the Starbucks with Cal, Luke and Ash; drinking coffee and having breakfast. The breakfast in the hotel we were staying at had absolutely sucked, so we ended up sitting here. Which I didn't mind actually. I had a feeling this was gonna be an awesome day.
"Wow Michael, look at that", Calum whisper-yelled at me, poking my side with his elbow. He pointed at the door where was a y/h/c haired girl. Honestly, I swear her leggins and baggy shirt were the cutes thing ever.
"She's hot", Luke said, and that snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Yea, she's cute", Ashton nodded, munching his sandwich.
I watched her getting a coffee and a muffin thingy. Her smile when she received her order was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life.
"Thank you", I heard her say to the cashier and as she reached to take her orders, it felt like the time had stopped. Someone, by on accident (or not), pushed her from behind, making her fall to the floor before she could even grab her coffee.
"Watch where you go, stupid bitch", the girl who had pushed her said.
This was when I stood up and went to her.
"Hey, are you okay?" I said to the beautiful girl who had fallen.
"Yeah, it was just a little accident", she mumbled and I helped her up.
"Thanks though", she smiled, "I'm y/n."
Hearing her name made made my heart skip a beat. I wonder what made me feel this way; Like I was already fallen for her, hard.
"M-Michael", I managed to stutter and mentally slapped myself.
"Nice to meet you", she smiled and took her coffee and muffin. I noticed that the coffee was the exact kind of I had ordered earlier. Weird.
Then I froze.
There was a wing tattoo at her left wrist.
And it matched mine.

Wooo part 3??? if you want Part 3 VOTE VOTE VOTE

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