First time he sees your baby bump

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All in HIS P.O.V

Calum: "Y/N? Sweetie where are you?" I called out as I walked in the house. "I'm in the bathroom." She called back, her voice was shaky, I rushed through the house. "Are you okay?" I asked and that's when I saw her baby bump for the first time. I looked between her belly and face, she had tears streaming down her cheeks. I froze not sure what to do, it all suddenly became very real to me. She was actually having my baby and it was growing inside her. "Calum?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sorry I just – it's actually happening... Why are you crying?" I asked moving closer to her. "I'm happy Calum." She replied her face broke into a smile. "Can I?" I asked softly, gesturing to her belly. She smiled and nodded moving closer to me. I gently placed my hand on the curve of her stomach. Her small hand sat on top of mine. "I can't believe this is happening either, but I'm so happy it is." She said softly, her arm wrapping around my waist. I smiled at her, the look in her eyes was of pure love. "I love you Calum." She whispered, I kissed her lips softly. My gaze flickered down to her bump, I slid to my knees. "I love you too, daddy is going to make you a rock star like him." I cooed at her belly. She laughed and pulled me up, taking me to the lounge room. I couldn't imagine this with anyone else.

Ashton: Lately I had so much to do with our newest album, so I was leaving early in the morning and home late at night. Y/N pretended she didn't mind but I knew she did.

The boys and I were having lunch in between recording sessions. "Hey Ashton? Have you seen this?" Michael asked showing me a photo of Y/N on his phone. "No... Oh my god! She's showing!" I exclaimed happily, Michael nodded at me. "Yeah she met some fans today and they posted some photos of her." Michael explained. "This is amazing! I can't wait to see her!" I said happily, Luke and Calum came running in. "What's going on? Ash are you okay?" Calum asked scared, I smiled trying to fight back happy tears. "Y/N's started showing!" I said grabbing Calum's shoulders and shaking him. "Oh wow! That's amazing." He said back, I showed him the photo. "Oh wow, she looks great." Luke said looking over Calum's shoulder.

Despite my begging they wouldn't let me go home to see Y/N, I was upset but I kept working.

When they finally let me go home it was almost midnight I knew Y/N would be in bed asleep, I had never driven any faster in my life.

"Y/N? Are you up sweetie?" I whispered as I entered the house. I went into the bedroom to see her laid out, the covers up to her chin. She looked so peaceful, I stripped down to my boxers, climbing into bed beside her trying not to wake her. She stirred as my arms wrapped around her, "shh babe." I whispered stroking her hair, she relaxed in my arms. My hand slid down to her stomach, I felt the slight rise of her bump. "Wow," I whispered, Y/N jolted underneath me. "Hey Ash." She sighed her eyes meeting mine. "Sorry I woke you sweetie." I whispered, she smiled. "It's okay. You saw that I'm showing didn't you?" She asked, I nodded. "Yeah, it's perfect. Our little Irwin." I whispered, before I moved down so I could kiss her belly. She giggled under my touch, I pulled back to look up at her. "Your hair was tickling me." She giggled, I smiled; kissing her belly again. "I love you Mrs. Irwin and you too little Irwin." I cooed to her stomach, we spent the night talking about the baby and just enjoying each other's company.

Luke: I had been feeling pretty down lately knowing that my wife Y/N was back home carrying out first baby, she wasn't far along but she had bad morning sickness. I just wanted to be there for her.

I was sat in the back of the tour bus trying not to think of Y/N at home. I jumped when my Skype began beeping at me. 'Incoming call: Y/N'. I clicked answer, her beautiful face popped up on my screen. "Hey Y/N. How are you? Is everything okay? What's happened?" I asked suddenly paranoid, she smiled at me. I noticed there were tear stains on her cheeks. "Stop Luke. Everything is fine." She assured, I watched her face which was clearly red and puffy from crying. "Have you been crying?" She looked down at her hands and that's when I noticed it. "Uh yeah I was just upset you couldn't see this with me. I started showing." She said standing up, pulling up her shirt. I saw the small curve of her belly. Tears forming in my eyes of how perfect it was. "Can we show the boys?" I asked wiping away my tears before Y/N could see. "Yeah sure." She shrugged, I smiled. "Calum, Ashton, Michael! Come here for a sec." I called out. They all rushed into the room. "Y/N has started showing!" I said happily turning the laptop to them. "Hey Y/N." They said happily, I watched as she stood up again showing her bump. "Oh my god! It's happening! Luke's actually gonna be a daddy!" Ashton beamed, I laughed at him. Y/N sat down in her desk chair. "You look great Y/N." Michael said giving a thumbs up, I glared at him. "Thanks Michael." Y/N said from the laptop. "Luke's glaring at me... I'm in trouble." Michael said looking between me and the laptop. "When are you not in trouble?" Y/N joked. "Ugh you guys are made for each other. Congratulations though! Also we'll be giving Luke back to you soon." Calum said waving at the webcam. I shooed them all out of the room. We spent the rest of the call talking about the baby, the tour and my new music.

Michael: I stood in the doorway watching Y/N. Her back was to me, I heard a quiet sob escape her lips. "Y/N? Baby what's up?" I asked going over to her. I turned her to face me, tears spilling down her face. "Go away, Michael." She said turning back to the mirror, I caught her wrist turning her back to me. Her head dropped onto my chest, my arms wrapped around her shaky frame. "I'm ugly and fat." She mumbled into my chest, I stepped back from her in disbelief. "You're so beautiful, why do you think I'm so happy to be having a baby with you?" I asked looking down at her stomach, there was a small curve at the base of her stomach. I gasped and smiled, her eyes filled with tears again. "What is it babe? Are you upset that you're pregnant with my baby?"

"No of course not!" She replied, wiping her cheeks roughly. "It's just I'm not going to be the same anymore, in a few months I'm going to have a huge belly, a fat ass and big sore boobs and you're not going to love me anymore." She sobbed, my smile faded. "I can't believe you would think that, I will love you regardless of whether you have a huge belly or a flat stomach. And I'm not going to mind about your boobs." I said, I kissed her forehead and cheeks, a small smile formed on her face as she nudged me. I took her hand and led her to the bed. I gestured to her to lay down, I followed her onto the bed. I slid her shirt up so the small bump of her stomach was bare. "M-Michael what are you doing?" Y/N asked nervously, I smiled at her. My hand slid over the slight curve, I pressed soft kisses to her belly. "I love you Y/N more than you'll ever know, never think that I won't love you for any reason." I whispered against her skin. She smiled at me, "thank you Michael. I love you." She whispered, making my heart flutter.

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