How he turns you on

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I am just bored, so why not do another "He turns you on" but this time it adds "HOW" I know right, so fetch! lol okay here it goes again..

Michael: You're waiting to buy your groceries when all of a sudden you feel his strong arms wrap around your waist. You barely flinch, knowing that he does this all the time, but you can't help but feel a shiver run through your body when he whispers in your ear, "I can't wait to get you home." You fiddle with the hem of your sweater, trying to hide your shock. "And why is that?" you ask innocently as he lightly kisses behind your ear. "Because as soon as we get back to the condo, you're gonna put the groceries down and I'm gonna pull up your skirt and fuck you against the wall." You exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding and tightly press your thighs together, trying to calmly place the groceries on the counter. "Ok," you breathe out, maintaining your composure as if he had just told you what he wanted for dinner. But when he laces his hand in yours and you both walk to the car, you know that what he wants is much more.

Calum: You stand by the kitchen stove, stirring the vegetables as steam rises from the pot up into your face. Since moving in together a few days ago, you and Calum have decided to switch nights to cook, and tonight it's your turn. You hear the door open and look over to see him walk through the door, the cold winter air biting at his cheeks. He walks over, leaning against the counter as you add a little bit of pepper to the sauce. "I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you living with me," he sighs. You smile, not able to believe it too, and slowly turn the burner down as he comes up beside you and turns your body around to face him, your back pressed against the counter. Slowly his fingers slide in through the belt loops on your jeans, causing a warm heat to spread through your body. Even after being together for a year now, this small action never fails to turn you on and he knows it. "But I don't think we've ever used the bedroom for all of it's purposes," he whispers, the room suddenly becoming quiet. "Well, we've been so busy with unpacking that –" you reply, knowing what he means. "Maybe we should change that," he mutters, before unzipping your jeans and reaching inside your panties, making you moan against the skin on his neck.

Ashton: The car slowly slides to a stop as you halt in front of the stop light, the engine of Ashton's car lowly humming. Your head leans back against the black leather of the seat as his thumb slowly rubs cirlces into your knee, his other hand on the steering wheel. You don't pay any attention knowing that he always does this, but when he moves up his hand while the car is still, it feels as if someone has injected ice water into your veins. You turn and see a cheeky smile spreading across his face as he lowly comments, "There is a high possibility that you won't be walking tomorrow," his hand rubbing between your thighs. A mixture of a gasp and a moan escapes your lips before the light turns back to green and he pulls back his hand and focuses on the road again, making you feel like you're going to explode.

Luke: You feel his heartbeat pound through his shirt and against your back as you both lie on the couch, watching old movies. His arms are wrapped around your middle and you can't help but feel completely safe as the screen slowly fades to black and the credits roll. You start to get up, before feeling his lips against your neck, urging you to stay. Each kiss, hungrily pressed against your skin, makes you more and more turned on, and you know from experience exactly what Luke wants. You get up, slowly, and turn around to straddle his lap against the sofa, feeling him get harder and harder by the second. His lips fervently move up and down your jawline and your collarbone and hear yourself whimper his name as he slowly grinds into you. "Fuck, I need you," he moans, a light raspiness in his voice. You don't protest and you both slowly push down your pants, letting him slide into you as he takes you against the couch.

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