Cooking in the Kitchen

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"Love, why aren't you in bed. And Why is the smoke alarm going off?" You call from the doorway as you rub your eyes.
"No. You're not supposed to see this yet!" Ashton exclaims as he desperately tries to block your view of the kitchen. But, he failed to hide the high pitched bleeping and black smoke.
"Are you... Making me breakfast?" A smile appears as you say it.
" mean...yes. It was supposed to be a surprise since it's our anniversary." You can't believe he remembered.
"You don't need to worry about that." You wrap your arms around his neck and he holds out his arms for you.
"I do, because I love you y/n." He says. Making your smile twice as big, even though you never thought that would be possible.
"I love you too, Ash."

"Cal, I don't think that's how you do it." You laugh, as Calum throws the frying pan into the air. It hits the ground with a thud.
"I just can't seem to be able to flip those god damn pancakes!" He exclaims whilst shaking his arms around.
"Well for starters you're not supposed to flip the frying pan." You say with a smile.
"How about you show me how to do it then. Or is it too difficult for you?" He teases.
"Bring it on!" You challenge.
He hands you a clean frying pan and you spoon the mixture into it. After a short time of cooking you pick the pan up and hold it suspended in the air.
"You ready for this?" You ask, preparing to flip it.
"Show me how it's done, y/n." You flick your wrist up and send the pancake somersaulting through the air. You're just to bask in your victory when it goes off course and misses the pan.
"Oh." You stare at the pancake lying on the floor, feeling slightly disappointed. A couple seconds later you feel arms wrap around your waist from behind.
"Let's just order something, babe." He whispers in your ear, kissing the back of your head.

"She looks so perfect standing there..." You begin to sing along in the kitchen to SLSP whilst cooking breakfast but you're quickly interrupted.
"Nice singing, honey." Says Luke as he wraps his arm around your waist. You blush as you're In your pjs. "I didn't mean I wanted you to stop." He says with a smirk as he spins you around.
"I lost my mojo." You exclaim, desperately trying to prevent your oncoming smile.
"Well let me finish for you then." Bringing you into a dancing position he starts to lead you around the island unit, persisting that you dance with him.
"...I've got your name tattooed in an arrow heart" Luke sings, holding you close. You then circle the room like this for the rest of the song and he stops to look into your eyes when it finishes.
"I love you y/n."
"I love you too." You whisper as he leans in to kiss you.

"Babe can we please have a pizza?" Michael asked as you were both say on the sofa.
"Yes but let's make it," he groaned so you added, "It will be fun," before dragging him into the kitchen. "Can you get me the flour Michael?" You saw him reach up and get it but then you knew what he was gonna do. Before you could tell him to stop he had chucked flour straight at your face.
"That's it, I'm gonna get you Clifford." You said picking up an egg and chasing him around the kitchen. When you caught him to him you smashed the egg on top of his head and the egg went all into his hair. "Oh shit," you said and ran off. You continued to run away, until you thought you lost him. You were just checking he wasn't behind you when you ran into him. He smiled and poured the rest of the flour over your head. You sat on the kitchen floor laughing about what had happened.
"You were right y/n making pizza was fun," he smiled before leaning over and giving you a kiss.

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