If you don't know (HISPOV)

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love yah from aiko

L U K E :

"I just want to make this last, if I could say the things that I want to say, I'd find a way to make you stay."

I had never been able to find the right words in difficult situations and now I could lose her, simply because of my inability to form coherent sentences. Arguments always flustered me – on one hand, I want to retaliate and shout and show how much I've been hurt, but on the other my biggest fear is hurting her any more than I already have. Now, her tiny, perfect hands shook as they gripped onto her laptop, the screen showing images of some under-clothed girl leaving my hotel room a couple of weeks ago. It was the biggest mistake of my life.

For days I had been so painfully homesick that when I had a few drinks in me, and was approached by a random with long hair and beautiful eyes similar to (y/n)'s, the familiarity made me feel safe; I wanted nothing more than to take that girl home with me. That's exactly what I did. Then, minutes later, I realised the huge mistake I had made and kicked her out. We had kissed, but I had stopped before we had gone all the whole way. Still, no one believed me, and I felt as if everyone had turned against me.

"I thought you loved me." She finally whispered, putting down the laptop and grabbing her jacket from the sofa as she started to make her way to the front door.

"(Y/n), please," my fingers instinctively wrapped around her forearm, dreading the idea of her leaving me, "I... Just..."

"You what, Luke?" Her exhausted eyes practically pleaded, as if she wanted me to say something that could make everything better.

"Please, I..." I hardly managed to stutter before both my mind and body seemed to freeze and my breath caught in my throat.

"Fucking forget it, Luke." She mumbled, pulling herself from my grip and heading for the front door. I didn't seem to return to reality until the door slammed, the house unbearably silent as I was left on my own, the person I cared most about now full of hatred, anger and sadness all because of my stupid fallacy.

A S H T O N :

"I want you to want me this way, and I need you to need me to stay."

Text, fuck, leave: that's how it always seemed to be with (y/n) and I. It would start out with a simple text of 'I need you' or 'You up for it tonight?' and before we knew it the two of us were in her bed, completely naked and unable to keep our hands off of each other. It seemed that tonight was no different. I had just gotten home from one of our longest tours, and instantly sent her a message when I got home practically begging for her company. When I got to her house we wasted no time, heading straight to her room.

But now, as we led side by side, breathing heavily and worn out after what was arguably the best sex we'd ever had, I couldn't help but feel like something was divergent. For the months I had been away from Australia, and away from her, I had found myself missing her in a way I never thought I would. I didn't just miss her body and the ways she always knew exactly what I wanted in bed, (although, that was always a bonus) I couldn't help but miss her smile, the way she giggles when she's embarrassed and how she always has the most bubbly personality.

However, just like usual, in a few minutes I'd have to get up, shamelessly pulling on my clothes before leaving, with no other word being spoken. I didn't want to leave. I'd do anything to stay, to wrap my arms around her and hold her as close to me as possible. I feel like it would make me the happiest man alive if I could simply kiss her forehead and tuck her hair behind her ear as she rests on my chest, but I know that she doesn't want me in that way. She sees it as completely meaningless sex – a good fuck with no strings attached – I only wish I felt the same.

As I sat up, reaching to the floor in search of my boxers I felt something ghosting over my fingers, followed by a small, shaky whisper coming from the other side of the bed that seemed to make my heart stop and an undeniable smile appear on my face, "...Stay?"

C A L U M :

"You would scream, we would fight, you would call me crazy, I would laugh, you were mad, but you always kissed me."

"Calum, are you home?" I barely heard her shout, my heavy eyelids almost begging for me to shut them. The long day at the studio had taken its toll on me and I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep as I led face down on top of the impossible comfortable bed in our bedroom. I heard her sigh as she pushed the door open, followed by the sound of something soft moving across the floor. Soon after, I felt something land on my back, reaching behind me to find a pair of my jeans that she had thrown at me from the other side of the room. "Put away your own shit." She huffed, kicking my articles of clothing out of the way as she entered the room more.

I grunted in response, throwing the jeans back onto the floor before burying my face further into the soft pillows.

"I'm serious!" She almost shrieked, looking around the room from where she stood by the foot of the bed.

"Babe..." I mumbled, standing up from my enjoyable place on the mattress.

"I'm serious." (Y/n) seethed, her face emotionless as she looked at me. I rolled my eyes, ready to slump back onto the bed before she continued. "If you think I'm some kind of maid that's going to clean up after you all the time, you're crazy, Calum."

I cautiously let out a breathy laugh as she scowled at me as if wanting me to explain what I found so funny. "This is such a stupid fucking argument." I mumbled, stepping towards her, pulling her into my arms and leaning down to kiss her lips. It seemed to take her a few seconds as she hesitated slightly, still angry and wanting for the fight to be resolved, but finally she agreed, wrapping her arms around my neck and deepening the kiss.

M I C H A E L :

"The shirt that I had that you always borrowed, when I woke, it was gone, there was no tomorrow."

It was such a regular occurrence to find (y/n) wearing my clothes – particularly my plaid shirts. She loved wearing them as they practically enveloped her entire body and kept her warm, plus, they 'smelt like home and security.'

Last night we had had a fight. It was stupid and reckless – I can't even remember what started the argument but harsh words were exchanged and I regretted every single second of it. This morning as I woke up, I felt cold and alone and miserable. She wasn't beside me. Assuming that had simply awoken before me and would be waiting in the kitchen, sipping a hot cup of coffee and scrolling through something on her phone, I sauntered into the kitchen only to find it empty and bare of all life. There were no signs of her – no dirty dishes on the side or her phone charger trailing across the counter like it usually was, but a small piece of paper placed on the breakfast bar. My hands shook slightly, my heart dropping as I read her rushed handwriting:


Sorry to leave you like this, but things haven't been working recently. I just need a few days.

I felt numb as I carried the letter back into the room – I know I had been out of line last night, but was that all she had to say, two sentences? It didn't make sense. Did she not care? Had I really pushed her that far? I was emotionless as I pulled open the drawer of the large dresser we shared, pawing for the clothes in search of my red shirt, coincidentally (y/n)'s favourite. That's when it seemed to hit me – the shirt was gone, (y/n) was gone. I slumped to the floor, scanning over the piece of paper again and again, my mind practically beating myself up. I never should have said what I did; if I had thought about it more she'd still be here and I'd still be happy. But she's gone, and I suddenly found out what it felt like for you heart to suddenly break into a million pieces.

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