He Cheats (Pt.1)

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Luke: you came to visit luke while him and the boys are on tour. "he should be on the tour bus alone" calum said. "unless Liz is on there with him" Michael said. "no she went to the store so she won't be back until about four" Ashton said. You nod and say thank you as they walk off. You open the door slowly and look inside you don't see luke anywhere. You walked into the bus and shut the door. You walked over to the bunks and saw that likes curtain was closed. You looked inside of the curtain that was already slightly open and saw luke, hovering over a girl. You gasp slightly as you walk off of the bus and slam the door. You keep walking and walking and thats when you hear someone yelling your name. You turn to see a shirtless luke. "Y/n please give me a chance to explain" he says and thats when the boys walked up behind you. "explain what" Ashton asked. "explain that he cheated on me" you said. All the boys gasp and thats Ashton snapped. He looked straight at luke and then at you. He walked away and into the venue. Michael walked you into the venue so that you could get away from luke. On your way inside you noticed calum turned around and shook his head. You walked into the venue and walked back stage. You looked on stage and saw 3 pairs of broken drum sticks and Ashton sitting on his drum stool with his head in his hands. You walked over to him and hugged him. "why'd you walk away, and why are there broken drum sticks everywhere" you asked. "I walked away cause I would've killed him. And there's broken drum sticks everywhere cause I had to take out my anger so I started playing and they broke." he replied. " why are yoy getting so mad." you asked. "Y/n we've been friends since 2 grade, you're like my little sister, why wouldn't I get mad" he said.


you where walking around the hotel with the ashton, luke, and michael. you had some to visit calum since the boys told you how badly he missed you. ashton gave you the key to the room, you thanked him. you unlocked the door and opened it quietly since the boys told you that he would be taking a nap. you heard a moan and thats when you stopped walking. "shh babe we don't want the boys to catch us do you." you heard calum say. "oh, i don't think you need to be worried about them" you said and looked at calum.he looked up and his eyes widened. "we're done calum" you said and started walking out of the hotel room. "Y/n wait" he yelled and you just kept walking. the boys had heard the whole thing and they hugged you as they glared at calum. they took you back to ashton's room. as soon as the door closed broke, falling to the ground crying as the boys picked you up and hugged you telling you everything would be okay.


you had gotten off of work early. you walked into the house and set down your bag, as you took off your shoes you heard moaning coming from up stairs.'please don't be cheating. please don't be cheating' was all you could think. you walked up stairs and saw the door slightly open. you opened it quietly and saw clothes on the floor. you walked in and saw michael on top of another girl in your bed. the girl moaned and then thats when she saw you. she screamed then pushed michael off of her. she put her clothes on and left. michael looked at you and then at his hands. you started crying as you walked down the stairs, michael right behind you calling your name. you got into your car and drove to calums. you walked up to the door and knocked. "hey Y/n.....whats wrong" he asked and pulled you into the house. "h-he cheated on m-me" you said "what !?" he yelled. "i got off of work early and when i got home i went to the bedroom and found him fucking some girl" you said and stated crying again. "you can stay here as long as you want Y/n" he said and hugged you. "thanks calum"

Mr. Fucking Irwin

you walked back stage where your boyfriend ashton would be proforming.you walked past one of the dressing rooms as you tried to find ashton. You kept walking and thats when you found the boys. "Hey guys, wheres ash" you asked. "Hes in the dressing room" luke said and then they all ran off after you thanked them. You walked to the dressing room and the door was already open slightly. You. Pushed the door open and thats when you saw a girl kissing ashton and him being pushed up against the wall of the dressing room. You gasp and thats when ashton looked up and pushed the girl off of him. He looked at you as you began to cry. "Babe I can explain" he said. "How, how could you explain this ash." You said as you walked out. You walked away and soon enough you bumped into someone and fell . You looked up and saw the boys. You got up and looked at them. "Y/n what happened" michael asked. You shook your head and calum hugged you. "We'll talk about it later, okay" calum said and rubbed your back trying to calm you down. You nodded and thats when they saw ashton running down the hall way. He stopped running when he saw you. "Y/n I can explain" ashton said. Calum pulled you behind him. "Babe please just let me explain" he said once again. "Don't call me babe" you said and thats when the boys finally relized ashton had done something. "Y/n please"he said and looked at you almost crying himself. You shook your head and thats when he broke . You, calum and luke all walkwd away. Ashton started crying and he fell to the ground. He put his head in his hands and cried. Michael leaned down trying to get him to stand up and to calm down but, he wouldn't .

Part 2 and 3 will be up soon!

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