He realizes he loves you (HISPOV)

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His P.O.V.

I was pushing the shopping cart with (Y/N) at my side as we strolled down the baking aisle of the grocery store. She lightly hummed along to the advertisement playing over the speakers as she looked at all of the different sugar types. She tapped her small foot lightly as she settled on confectioner sugar which she so carelessly dropped into the cart, she jumped a little when she heard the bang as the sugar hit the metal giggling at her clumsiness. She began to walk ahead of the cart, swaying her hips to the beat of the song, 'Haven't Met You Yet' by Michael Buble. That's when she began to move faster dancing along to the song, she skipped down the aisle singing along to the tune as if no one else was in the store. As I was watching her carefree attitude I couldn't help but smile. Her long curly hair flying around with every step she took, her fast footwork mesmerizing. She suddenly stopped and turned around, her cheeks slightly pink either from her movements or embarrassment of me watching her so intently. "Why'd you stop all the way back there?" She asked as she played with the end of her hair. That's when I realized I was still near the sugar, I stopped when I was watching my beautiful girlfriend loose herself in the song. "Oh sorry I was just admiring your dancing." I said as I pushed the cart to meet her. "Okay, well now we have to go get more tissues," She said leading the way. And it was in that moment that I realized that this was the girl for me. That I am in love with this beautiful, carefree girl and I would love to dance in the rain with her or at least the grocery store aisles.


His P.O.V.

We were lying together, my arm wrapped tightly around her waist hugging her close to my body. Her small hand was lightly resting on my arm as she dozed off to sleep. '10 Things I Hate About You' was playing in the background as I starred at (Y/N), her eyelids were heavy. A piece of hair fell into her eyes as she lightly shifted under my arm. "Go to sleep baby." I said in a whisper as I moved her hair behind her ear, a light whimper escaping her mouth. Lying together here we fit so perfectly together, I didn't care what I looked like and she didn't mind , that she was in sweats and no makeup, she still looked drop dead gorgeous. I loved that about her, her confidence. Her ability to make me smile at any given moment, and that's when I realized I loved her. I loved everything about her, I didn't want any other girl except her. My love.


His P.O.V.

Her fingers were gliding across the keyboard faster than I've ever seen as she bobbed along to the music in her headphones. She was so lost in her own world, writing her English essay while she listened to her playlist. It was like I wasn't there and I was completely fine with that, I liked watching her loosing herself in her work. She moved one hand to the bowl at her side and popped a cookie in her mouth quickly before she returned her second hand to the keyboard to continue typing away. "What are you doing?" She asked as she pulled one headphone out. "Huh? What?" I asked completely thrown off guard. "Why are you starring at me?" She asked, her fingers still tapping away to the music coming from her other headphone. "Oh, you're just so beautiful. Honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I rambled on and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Oh, thanks." She said looking down as she smiled to herself and continued typing. This beautiful girl, who's smile was shy and cheeks turned pink so easily was the girl I loved, the girl that made me stumble over my own words and get lost in her eyes.


His P.O.V.

Her hair was thrown up into a bun messily sitting on the top of her head. She had on an oversized t-shirt that covered the shorts that she was wearing. Her shirt was splashed with paint, and she had some paint covering part of her arms as well. She was helping me paint my house, 'Check Yes Juliet' was blasting and she danced along completely forgetting the paint job she was supposed to be doing. She was throwing her arms in the air sending paint splatters around. When the song ended she turned and looked at me, her smile was so big and beautiful I wanted to grab her right there and kiss her. That was when I noticed she had paint smeared on her cheek. This was the girl I wanted to be with, the girl that didn't care what she looked like or did around me, she could be herself and I would love her no matter what.

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