Afraid Of Loving You (Calum)

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"(Y/N), why have you been ignoring me for a week?" Calum asked, walking in the door of your apartment.
"No, I haven't," you denied.
"Yes, you have. We've been best friends for 5 years and I'm pretty sure we've talked everyday for 5 years no matter how busy we are. There's something up," Calum argued.
"Nothings wrong, Cal, just forget about it," you sighed.
"I'm not leaving until you tell me," Calum retorted.
"Fine, I'll tell you!" You yelled. "I think I'm in love with and I'm terrified."
"What?" Calum said. "Are you serious?"
"Yes, Calum. I fucking love you! And it kills me a little bit inside every time I see you because I just know you cant be mine!"
"What makes you think that?" Calum said and took a step closer to you.
"What do you mean?" You said.
"What makes you think that I'll never be yours? You never asked me about my feeling for you..."

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