Your bestfriends and his girlfriend hates you (part1)

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" l love you" He sighed into your shoulder, squeezing you tighter than necessary. "I love you too Luke but please go, you're squeezing the life out of me." You shrieked, making Luke pull away, his hands still holding onto your upper arms. "God you're drunk." You giggled, ruffling your fingers through his hair, himself having a pleased smile on his face. Calum and Ashton had wanted to host a party since the boys just got home from the UK and now the whole house the boys were living in were filled with drunken people, loud music and alcohol. "You know.." Luke trailed off, the alcohol in his blood taking over before he continued. "You're the bestish best friend ever." He slurred letting his hand caress your cheek, his dizzy smile never leaving his lips. "Luke!" A high pitched voice said from the kitchen door, making Luke pull his hand away from your cheek, and you took a step away from him. "Hi babe." He waved, as she walked over to stand in front of him. Wrapping her hand around his shirt fisting it, she pulled him in for a slobby kiss, herself making it deeper and deeper. The makeout session started to grow more passionate, the expression on your face getting more and more disgusted. A feeling of nausea started to form in your throat and as she pulled away she gave you one last glare. "Mine" Alana hissed quietly towards you making sure Luke didn't hear anything. Taking Luke's hand she pulled him towards the kitchen – you standing in the now deserted hallway alone.
"Calum sweety?" Jessica suddenly asked in a sugar sweetly voice making everyone snap their heads towards her and Cal. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked, feeling all eyes on her, and Calum nodded taking her hand in his, pulling her towards the hallway. "What is she doing here?!" She whisper yelled making Calum look out at you and the guys in confusion. "Who? You mean Y/N?" He asked confused, seeing you throw some popcorn at Luke, your laugher filling the room, making Calum laugh as well. "Hey I'm talking to you idiot." She almost yelled, making everyone in the living room stay quiet, now focusing on Calum and her. "What is going on?" Calum asked looking into her eyes seeing the fire building up. "I – Wanna – Leave." She said in monotone making Calum's eyebrows furrow. "Why?" He asked confused, just wanting to go back to the movie. "I just can't stand being with her." She said, saying the word "her" in pure disgust. "But she-" "I know Cal she's your best friend. But either way she'll leave or I will." She warned making Calum sigh. "Fine." He huffed walking into the living room again. "Guys we're leaving." He announced not removing his gaze from you. "Why?" Michael asked, mouth filled with popcorn and Calum sighed again. "We've got business to do. See ya later." He waved, making Ashton and Michael wolf whistling at him, you getting a hurt expression on the face. "You're pathetic." Luke snapped at Cal quietly making sure the others didn't hear it. Cal gave Luke a glare before shrugging his shoulder, knowing that Luke knew why they were actually leaving.
"So how is London?" He smiled, letting yourself giggle before answering him. "It's so awesome. But the weather his terrible, that's for sure." You laughed, making him laugh as well. "Yeah I know the feeling." He sighed, looking intensely at the screen. "Mikey are you okay?" You questioned, your eyebrow furrowing at his expression. "Yeah I just.. I just miss you I think." He mumbled, a small smile creeping on his lips. "I miss you too honey booboo." You cooed, your lips forming a pout. The door in Michael's room was soon slammed open and Mikaela came into view on the webcam herself stamping over to Michael. "Hey sweety." He said, but his voice made it come more out like a question. "Who are you talking to?" She whispered, taking a step to the side now out of the view. "Y/N?" he gestured pointing towards your quiet form on the screen, you pulling your blanket closer to your body. Looking between the screen and Michael, she thought for a minute before taking action, shutting his laptop, making it let out a "smack" sound. "What did you do that for?" Michael whined, letting his body lean against the back of the chair he was sitting on, already knowing the answer. "You know I hate her!" She hissed making him roll his eyes. "She's my best friend." He pointed out making her scuff. "I don't care. I don't want you to see her. Now come on we gotta go now." She sighed rubbing her temples as they went out of the bedroom. But what Michael and Mikaela didn't knew was that the Skype call wasn't unconnected, letting you listen to the whole conversation, a small tear falling down your cheek.
"Ash I don't even know if I'm on the right floor." You mumbled, looking at the doors down the hallway of the hotel, numbers going higher and higher. "I told you it was room 264, floor 21. What don't you understand by that?" Ashton laughed lightly in the phone, his hand switching the phone over to his right ear. "I don't know but I think I'm almost there." You said looking at a left pointing sign saying 250-270. As you turned to the left you bumped into someone knocking her to the floor. "I'm so sorry." You exclaimed, reaching out your hand for her to reach. As she lifted her gaze from the floor towards you, your mouth went in to an "o" shape. "Like you hadn't done enough!" Emily exclaimed in anger, taking your hand roughly, pulling herself up, and almost knocking you down as well. "What the hell is your problem?" You almost yelled making you scoff. "You." She said obviously, rolling her eyes. The conversation went on for a few minutes, until Emily suddenly crossed the line. "You know that if Ash had the choice, he would choose me." A lump started to form in your throat, the feeling of hurt starting to appear in your heart. "What is going on in here?" Ashton asked, coming into view from the other hallway, hearing your discussion faintly. "Nothing." You answered immediately not turning your gaze away from her eyes. "Nothing at all." You said quietly, looking at the ground before your headed down the same hallway you came from.

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