How You Meet

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You walked into GameStop to pre-order Call Of Duty Ghost. As you walked inside you stood inline. Once you got up to pre-order the game the boy behind the counter treated you like you didn't know what the game was "and if you pre-order the prestige addition of the game you will get the season pass witch means when a new map pack comes out you will already have the map pack" he said trying to explain everything to you. "i know" you repeated over and over. after you pre-ordered the game you bought a new mic. set. as you where walking out someone bumped into you causeing your bag to fall. you sighed and picked it up and started walking to your car. "hey i'm sorry i bumped into you" a boy said. you looked at him"its fine" you reply "would you like to get coffee some time" he blurted out "i'm not sure" "please" he says "okay ....." "michael my names michael" "okay michael i'll see you tomarrow then" he smiles and walks inside the store and you drive home.


You where at starbucks meeting a friend that hasn't even shown up yet. As you sit down you hear someone calling your name. You look at the door and you see your friend with some boy. She sits down and the boy sits down next to her. You start talking and drinking your coffee. "by the way Y/N this is my friend Calum" she said "call me Cal" he said and you smiled "i'm Y/N". you say and shake his hand. After about an hour of sitting there talking you start getting read to leave. "hey Y/N" "yeah you say and look at calum "would you like to go out some time" he says "yeah, that sounds fun" "well i need your number" he said and you both switch phones and then switch back. you both say bye and then leave.


You where out eating pizza with some friends. after you order you pizza you all sit down and start talking. You look over at the door and see four boys walk inside the sit down at the table across from you and your friends. One of them keeps looking at you. about ten minuits later he walks over to you. "hi" he says "hi" "umm .... i was woundering if you might want to go on at date with me" "sure, i'm Y/N" "i'm ashton" he says and you write down your number on his hand. when he gets back to his table he texted you says he was just making sure it was your real number.


You where about to go over to your friends calums house for your movie night that you have every friday. you knocked on the door and calum opened the door and hugged you. "hey Y/N i got some people for you to meet" he says you smile and walk inside and into the livingroom where three other boys are sitting. "hi" you say queitly your shy side showing. the first boy walks up to you and pulls you into a hug "hi my names ashton" he says as you both pull away. "i'm michael" the second boy says. "i'm luke" the third says qiuetly "i'm Y/N" you say just above a whisper. "no need to be shy Y/N" Cal says and wraps an arm around your shoulder. you sit down on the couch next to calum and luke. you got up to go get more popcorn and luke comes with you. "hey Y/N" he says queitly "yeah" "would you maybe wanna go out some time" he said "yeah, i'd like that" you say and walk back inside the living room.

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