He asks you to move in with him

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I grabbed a couple of clothes and quickly got changed from my day clothes after Cal and I had a day out. We were both really tired and wanted to just stay at his place tonight. I had spent the past few days to weeks at his because it was just easier.

"Babe, movie's on." Cal called and I immediately made my way by his side on the couch. His arm was around my shoulder as he pulled me closer to him. "Where'd you get those clothes?" He asked.

I looked down at my pjs, "I had them lying around here." I said.

"You kept it here at my place?" I just nodded and told him to shush while the movie played.

I was distracted throughout the movie because I couldn't help but notice Cal had he's eyes on me, not on the movie. When we decided to call it a night he dragged me to bed.

"I've gotta brush my teeth first yeah?" I said and made my way to the bathroom.

Afterwards I snuggled under covers to have his arms wrapped around me.

"Mmm babe?" He whispered.


"Did you just casually have your toothbrush here already?" He asked and I could feel him smile against my neck.

"Uhh yeah..." He gave a light laugh. "Well I might as well live here, just thinking about it." I joked.

"Why don't you?" There was no kidding in his voice.

"Uh, what?"

"Live with me, your place is cramped anyway and there is space for the two of us. Plus, most of your things are already here." By now I had completely faced him and watched his serious face look directly at me. "If you don't want to then-"

I kissed him. "Of course I want to."

"Then hello there, new roommate." He kissed my nose and laughed


"Don't fucking say anything right now." Mikey said to me.

I was already angry, we've been fighting for almost an hour now and I was beyond pissed. "Why? Because I'm a clingy bitch? You didn't think I'd overhear you when you were talking to the boys before?" This time I pushed him slightly.

This made him angrier. But I didn't care. "Well I'm fucking sorry that you're too attached!" I tried to push him again but he caught my wrists. "You're always with me, hanging around at my place like it's your own." He threw my wrists away and glared at me.

"Well maybe I should up and leave seeing as I'm annoying you." I didn't give him a chance to say anything as I ran upstairs to get a bag and pull some of my stuff in.

I stuffed it in carelessly and hurried when I heard his footsteps coming.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" His voice was angry but there was something retraining it. I ignored him and made sure not to look at him. "STOP THAT!!" He shouted. I flinched slightly and turned to face him. He noticed my startled look and softened slightly. "Just stop, for a second please."

I clutched my bag and watched as he made his way over to me. "You wanted me to leave so what's the fucking problem?" My heavy tone made him wince.

"Hey, I just..." His eyes trailed around his room. It was a mess. Clothes of mine and his everywhere. There was some sort of recognition in his eyes and out of nowhere he just laughed.

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