He Cheats (Pt.3/Final)

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You walked past luke, trying not to look at him. He looked up and followed you to the back of the bus the boys behind him. "Y/n please" he said still crying. The boys walked away at this point. "what do you want luke" you said looking him in the eyes. "i want you to forgive me, i-i can't live without you Y/n...i l-love you too much...i know i messed up" he said and started crying harder, he sat down adn put his head in his hands. "it was a mistake i know, please forgive please Y/n" he said and looked up at you from where he was sitting."one more chance luke thats it" you say as he got up. "thank you" he repeated over and over and hugged you tightly and kissed you. "yeah, whatever just remind me that when we get home that you hace to sleep on the couch for a while okay" you said "as long as we're fine and you're with me i don't care" he said and you both walked away and started talking to the boys.


you woke up and saw luke sitting on the other bed while talking to calum who was pacing around the room. "luke, what am i gonna do man i fucked up big" he said and luke looked at you then calum. "i don't know man but, you better hurry and think" he said and calum sat down and put his head in his hands and started crying. "what if she doesn't forgive me what if we don't get back together" he said and luke rubbed his back. "luke" you said and both boys looked at you and calum stood up. "yeah" luke said. "could you leave for a moment please" you asked and luke nodded then walked out. "Y/n i'm sorry, i fucked up, please give me a second chance please i promise i'll try harder, i won't fuck up, just...please" he said and started crying harder. "cal. don't cry please" "why, i fucked up and i hurt the one that i love the most" "calum you have one more chance but, thats it" you said and he smiled and kissed you. "thank you Y/n" he said. "i love you" "i love you too cal"


you walked off of the last step and looked at Michael. He looked at you. Calum walked in front of you so Michael would only look at him. Michael looked at him as you looked over calum's shoulder at him. "Y/n please can we just talk" Michael asked about to cry again. You nodded and pushed calum to the side. "its okay cal" you say and lead Michael upstairs. you sit on the bed and michael closes the door. "Y/n it was a mistake i swear" he said. "well then why'd you do it michael" "because i don't know...you're never here anymore you're always at work and i went to the bar and she was there and she kind'a looked like you." he said and started crying. "please. j-just give me one more chance i'll try not to fuck it up" he said and looked at you. "michael i don't know" you whispered. "please Y/n just one more chance" "one more michael thats it you fuck it up and i'm gone" you said and he smiled and hugged you. "thank you" "welcome" "i love you" "i love you to michael" you said and you both soon went home.


ashton walked over to the bed where the boys where sitting, "i can't sleep" he said and looked at you.He started to cry. "i'm sorry" he whispered. "i fucked up Y/n i know, but it really wasn't my falt". you got up and walked over to the bed and sat next to him, while the boys moved to the other room. "Y/n please...just let me explain" he said still crying. "you have 60 seconds ashton" you said. "okay i was walking down the hall, and i heard a scream, and walked to the dressing room and when i walked in that girl pushed me against the wall and kissed me and thats when you walked in" he said. he grabbed your hands in his. "please, forgive me Y/n" he said looking down at your hands. "i forgive you" you said. "r-really" he said and looked up and smiled as you nodded. "thank you, i love you" he said. "i love you too" you said and he hugged you."i'm not letting you go again" he said and leaned back. "good" you said and soon you both fell asleep.

Awww happy ending:)
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