The One With The Date That's Not A Date

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Lukey pukey

"Okay, that's great," you said to Michael over the phone.
"Thanks so much, I'm so excited. Bye, Michael," you said and hung up.
"What's up with Michael?" Luke asked, leaning against the kitchen island.
"He got us tickets to the midnight premiere of Suicide Squad for tomorrow night," you said excitedly.
"What? That's so cool, babe," Luke said. "Who else is coming?"
"Well, he only has two tickets so he asked me...," you said awkwardly.
"So you're going on a date with Michael?" Luke said bitterly.
"It's not a date. The only person I'm going on dates with is you. We're only going to the movie and then I'll be home. I can ask if he can get you a ticket but I think it's all sold out," you said, finishing with a kiss to Luke's bare collarbones.
"I'm not in the mood," Luke mumbled, pushing you away and storming down the hall of your apartment to the bedroom.
"Lukey, come on," you whined and chased after him. "You're not jealous of Michael, are you?"
"No!" Luke said defensively and buried his head in the pillows.
"Aww, Lukey's jealous," you teased, rubbing his back.
"I'm not jealous. Okay, maybe I am a little but that isn't the point," Luke said and sat up. "You're going on a date with my best friend and it's a movie. Do you know what dudes do in movie theatres?"
"Yes, I do. I went on dates with you, didn't I?" You laughed.
"This isn't funny, (Y/N)," Luke pouted and rested his head on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, baby, it's just cute. It's not a date. Michael isn't going to make a move on me and if he does I'll chop his nuts off, okay? You don't need to worry, I promise," you said and ran your fingers through his soft hair.
"I trust you. It's Michael I don't trust. I've always thought he fancied you, ya know?" Luke explained.
"Well, it's a good thing I don't fancy him, isn't it? Because then you really would be in trouble," you giggled. "I'm kidding. I wouldn't leave you for Michael."

The next evening rolled around and you had organised for everyone to go to the dinner together. Afterwards you could go back to your apartment and chill before you and Michael left for the movie and Luke, Calum and Ashton stayed home.
The whole evening, Luke was glued to your side. He had his arm around your shoulders the whole time and nearly went as far as following you to the bathroom.
You were in your room, getting ready for the movie. You changed from a formal outfit to a more casual one seeing as you were at a fancy restaurant for dinner. Luke came in the room while you were doing your make-up.
"Hey, what's up?" You said and continued applying your foundation.
"Listen if Michael tries anything on you, just call me and I'll beat him up," Luke said.
"Okay, whatever," you laughed.
"I'm serious, (Y/N)!" Luke said.
"What is with you? You're acting so clingy and protective. This isn't like you, Luke. What's going on?" You snapped.
"No, I'm not! Can I not come and say goodbye to you before you leave?" Luke retorted.
"No, Luke. It's when you are literally stuck to my side all evening and when you nearly go as far as coming to the bathroom with me! Is this because you're jealous of me and Michael going to the movie?" You said.
"I-uh. I'll just miss you tonight," Luke said.
"Yeah, right. I think we're used to being apart by now," you scoffed. "Just admit it. You're jealous."
"Fine! I'm jealous, okay? It's just you and Michael have so much more in common and now he's taking you out to a movie and I don't know, I just don't want to lose you, especially to Michael," Luke said.
"It doesn't matter that me and Michael have a lot in common, we're just friends. I love you. You don't need to worry about me tonight, okay? Have fun with Ash and Cal. I'll only be gone a couple hours," you said.
"Okay," Luke nodded and kissed your head. "I've warned Michael anyways."
You finished up your make-up and chucked your hair in to a ponytail. You grabbed your purse and headed down the hall to the living room. The four boys were playing Call of Duty together.
"You ready?" You asked.
"Yeah, let's go," Michael nodded and grabbed his car keys.
"No funny business, Clifford. Don't be out all night," Luke said sternly.
"Oh my God, Luke. You're so embarrassing, leave him alone," you groaned. "You're like my dad when you took me out the first couple times."
"You don't know him like I do, (Y/N), I was just watching out for you. Have fun, I'll wait up for you," Luke said and kissed your lips quickly.
"Bye, love you," you called and walked out the door, closing it behind you and Michael.
"He's jealous that we're going to the movie together, huh?" Michael said while he started up the car.
"Yeah, when I first mentioned we were going he thought I meant him as well and then he got really pissed because he thinks you'll start something," you sighed.
"Look, you're a really nice girl but I wouldn't do that to Luke. Bros before hoes and all that. Not that you're a hoe, I mean, that's just the way the saying goes. Oh God, please don't tell Luke I said that to you because he'll crack my skull," Michael said.
"Don't worry about it, Michael, I know what you meant. There's nothing for you to panic about we're just two friends going to catch a movie, it's no big deal. Luke's just being an asshole," you sighed.
After finding a spot in the parking lot, you and Michael headed straight for the concessions stand in the theatre. Michael offered to pay for your stuff but you declined seeing as he had already paid for your ticket in.
"That was amazing!" Michael gushed as you walked through the parking lot.
"I know right! It really was great!" You said excitedly and got in to Michael's car.
"You want to go grab something to eat or should I take you home?" Michael asked and started up the car.
"Could you just take me home? I'm pretty tired, it is 2am," you said. "Thanks again for taking me. I really enjoyed myself."
"It's no problem. I knew you'd be excited for it to come out and I was free tonight so I thought you'd like to come with me," Michael shrugged.
When Michael walked you up to your apartment, Luke was literally waiting at the door. You had texted him when you were leaving the cinema to let him know you were on the way home but you didn't except him to be waiting outside the door for you.
"Oh hey. I didn't think you'd be waiting at the door for me," you said.
"Well, I just thought I'd wait here to see you when you were coming up, like that you didn't get kidnapped or something. I didn't think Michael was going to walk you up," Luke shrugged.
"Oh okay. Do you want to come in, Mike?" You asked.
"Uh, no thanks. I think I'll just head home," he said. "Goodnight." He turned on his heel and headed down the stairs.
Luke pushed open the door to the apartment and headed in to the living room. He switched off the TV and the lights and went to the kitchen to do the same.
"Was the movie good?" He asked as he poured himself a glass of water.
"Yeah, it was great! We should go and see it together, you'd really enjoy it and I wouldn't mind seeing it again," you said.
"Yeah, we should. Did Michael kiss you?" Luke blurted out.
"What?!" You said. "Are you crazy? Of course he didn't!"
"Sorry, I just, I don't know. I know you wouldn't do that," Luke said as he followed you down the hall to your bedroom.
"It's scary how little you trust me and your best friend to go to a movie together. Seriously, Luke, chill out. Nothing happened. I'm not cheating on you with Michael or with anybody for that matter. We were just two friends seeing a movie, no big deal, okay?" You said as you changed to your pyjamas.
"I was just worried. I do trust you. I'm sorry," Luke apologised, getting in to bed beside you.
"It's okay, I know you mean well. Just cool it on the protectiveness a little, please," you said, kissing his lips and running your fingers through his hair.
"Okay, I'll try. I just cant stand the thought of anyone taking you away from me."

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