Your bestfriends and have a moment (part3)

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Yay last part!:)

"Y/N." Luke said harshly, as he walked out of the club, seeing you further away down the street, marching away from him. Hearing his voice made you panic and your feet automatically picked up their speed, almost making you running. "Look, I just want us to talk." He yelled, as he picked up his pace as well, now only 8 steps away from you. Turning around on your heels you walked over to him, looking him dead in the eye. "There is nothing to talk about Lucas. What happened in there was a caught in the moment." You stated, seeing him let out a scoff. "Argh please, don't give me that shit Y/N I know how you feel." He said sternly, his nostrils becoming bigger. "You don't know a shit about me Luke!" You fired back, standing out of your heels, making you go down to 2 inch smaller, Luke now almost hovering over you. "Look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me as much as I love you." He breathed, his eyes burning into yours. You let out a sigh before realizing something. "You love me?" You said surprised, seeing his eyes widen as well. He let out some unknown mumbled words before blurting out. "Of course I love you! You're smart, and funny and beautiful but also my best friend and it just hurt so much to not just take you in my arms and kiss you on the forehead like I know you love and-"He rambled on running his hand through his hair meanwhile. Dropping you heels to the ground, you took his hands in yours, as you laced your fingers together; pressing your jaw up towards his face. Looking down at you he inhaled a sharp breath, before getting eye contact. Smiling up at him, you pecked his jaw just once. "I love you too you idiot." You cooed quietly, releasing your hands way from him, just to wrap them around his waist. Wrapping his arms around your neck, he pulled you even closer than possible, afraid of letting go. "You're warm." You mumbled in his shirt, feeling the heat from his chest, and the hard banging from his pounding heart. "My lady's freezing?" He asked with a cocky smirk, taking off his jacket, handing it to you. Feeling his phone vibrate, Luke pulled it out, looking at the message. "Told you so. See ya soon lad." Turning around Luke saw Michael with a phone in his hand, making a slight thumbs up. Turning his attention back to you, he lightly pecked you on the forehead. Victory in his hands.
"Cal." You yelled after him from the living room, since he was in the kitchen making you both dinner. "What's going on where does it hurt?" He asked, almost running over to the couch you were laying on, panic clear in his voice. "Chill, I just need to get my injection, could you help me pretty please?" You pouted, raising your arms in the air for him to scoop you up. Since you came home from the hospital not only two hours ago, Calum had nothing more than a sweetheart to you. Making you soup, giving you more blankets if you needed, and carried you basically everywhere you wanted. When he had placed you on his lap on the toilet, prepared the medicine, he carefully stuck the needle into your thigh. Squeezing your eyes in pain, you whimpered out. "Y/N I know it stings but please just look at me. Just focus on me the pain will be gone soon." He reassured trying to make you get eye contact. Opening your eyes, you turned your gaze towards him – noses slightly touching. Scrunching your nose, when he pulled the needle out of your skin you let out a sigh of relief, letting your forehead fall into the crook of his neck. "Only 4 more to go." You mumbled, as you felt Cal's calloused finger, make slow patterns under the lower part of your shirt. "You want me to do them as well?" He asked, as he placed the needle on the table so he could wrap his other arm around your waist. "You want to stay here for the 4 next days?" You asked in curiosity seeing a pink flush spread over his cheeks. "If you want me to." He trailed of, more as a question. "I'd love that." You said quietly, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. The colour on his cheeks became worst, and you let out a small giggle. "I heard your conversation with the other boys." You admitted, making him shift in the chair, eyes widen and heart almost pounding out of his chest. "And I feel the same way." You smiled timidly, before sneaking your hand on the back of his neck, connecting your lips together. When you pulled away from each other, the smile on Calum's lips couldn't describe. "I finally got my princess." He cooed as he pulled you up on your feet, half swinging you around half stumbling around trying not to hurt your knee.
"how far are you?" Calum asked trough the phone, as Michael sprinted down the street, almost bumping into other people because of his speed. "I'm almost there, but I feel like my guts are about to jump out or something." Michael breathed as he pulled at the door to the coffee shop you were working at. A bell dinged as he walked in through the door, making you sigh. "We're closed." You breathed, turning around to see which costumer who was coming through the door, but your eyes widen when you saw it was Michael. He was a sweating mess to be exact, hair sticking out in any directions, breath uneaten, and his knees could knock out any second. "Y/N I- I just wanna – ask you-"Michael breathed out, but had to stop because of his unstable breaths. "You wanna sit down for a bit?" You asked with a weird expression, taking a cold water bottle from the fridge, and pulled out a chair for him to sit. Not answering you Michael plopped down on the stool, reaching out for the water bottle you were holding. Giving him the water bottle he almost emptied the bottle before speaking up. "I came here to talk to you. When I saw you weren't laying next to me on the couch you nearly gave me a heart attack. I just wanna point out that I really really really like you, and last night wasn't just a bang. I really wanna take you out on a date but I clearly understand if you don't wann-" "You ran almost 5 miles without stopping, just to ask me out on a date? How could I say no to that?" You smiled stroking his dampen hair slightly. Resting his head on your chest, he leaned more into your touch. "Good, cause I would be so dead if you said no and I had to run the whole way back to the studio." He said smiling up at you. Pulling out of his grip, you placed yourself on his lap, continuing to stroke his hair. "By the way the sex was great." He laughed, making your cheeks go pink. "You didn't tell the boys about it did you?" You asked slightly. "Eh maybe?" Michael asked unsure seeing you shocked expression. "You're an idiot you know that right?" You asked making him nod. "But I'm your idiot." He cooed nuzzling his nose into your neck.
"Ash what the hell are you doing?!" You asked terrified, pulling the towel tight around your body. "I just I-" Ashton breathed, not realizing that he just saw his best friend naked. "Have you ever heard of knocking?" You said amused by his reaction. "I just- fuck this shit." He mumbled, walking over to you, pressing you against the wall before placing his lips on yours. "You're not going on a date with that boy." He breathed, as he pulled away from you, but still resting his forehead on yours. "Which date?" You asked in confusion, making your eyebrows furrow as he pulled you into another kiss. Pulling away from him, you were lightly panting, looking up at him to continue. "Calum told me about this dude you were going on a date on tonight. I won't allow it." He said sternly, removing some wet hair out of your face. "I'm not going on a date with anyone?" You asked, clearly amused about the change in his face. "But Calum told me that you were going on a date tonight?" He said sadly, but with a mix of confusion. Letting out a giggle you ran your hand through his hair. "I'm not." You said, making him smile. Ashton let out a satisfied sigh, before connecting your lips again, pressing you more into the wall. "Well what do we have here?" You pulled away slightly to see 3 idiots standing in the doorway, as you cuddled into Ashton's chest. "Good thing you came in time, huh Ash?" Michael teased as he high fived Luke and Cal. "What do you mean?" Ash asked, swaying you slightly back and forth. "If it weren't for us, you wouldn't have the balls to go talk to Y/N." Michael asked, pointing towards your cuddling state. "The thing with the date. It was all a lie." Luke laughed, seeing how Ashton's mouth turned into an "o" shape. "But as we can see, our plan worked so our job is done." Luke added, as they started to head out of the door. "By the way, you look good in a towel Y/N." Calum teased, making Ashton giving him a death glare, already heading towards the black haired boy. "You are so dead now." Ashton warned, as Calum started to run down the hallway of the hotel, laughing as well.

Yay here ya go! Part 3! Dont forget to Vote people! Love ya!

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