Amnesia song pref (part3)

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"Shit." You cursed as yet another child ran past you making you stop in track in front of you, trying to stabilize the tray with drinks you were holding. Rolling your eyes by the kid you started to walk again, walking over to the table that had ordered the drinks. Placing the drinks in front of each person you let out a smile before saying enjoy. Walking back to the bar you placed the tray on top of the others, letting out a deep sigh. "I hate family gatherings." You mumbled more to yourself than your employee Rhonda but she did heard and Rhonda let out a giggle. "Mood up Y/N." She laughed hitting you with the tea towel she was holding. "It's just not my day." You shrugged looking outside the window of the shop, the streetlights being the only thing illuminating besides the light that were placed on the tables where people were sitting either drinking alcohol or coffee. "You haven't really been yourself lately." She confessed as she was filling the coffee machine up with beans. "I guess not." You mumbled, grabbing a new tray before placing 4 cups on it. "Talked to Quiffo since that day?" She asked more quietly and you only shook your head at her, and she nodded her head. "Hey I've seen that mock of locks before." Rhonda said all of the sudden making you look up from the tray, looking outside as well and spotted Ashton immediately. "What is he doing here?" She asked placing a hand to her hip. "I don't know and I don't care." You said in a fast tone before filling the 4 cups with coffee, taking the tray before you sprinted over to the persons who had ordered it. Ashton came in through the door, taking seat at one of the barstools in front of Rhonda. "Hey can you tell me if Y/N's at work today?" He asked, and she didn't say anything, just pointed towards you standing in front of one of the tables, taking an order. "How's he?" Rhonda asked, and Ashton knew by the look in her eyes who she was asking about. "Devastated." He admitted. "Just like her." She answered and Ashton's eyes widen in surprise. "We gotta do something." He whispered leaning over the counter, afraid that you'll be there any second and she nodded her head. "I have an idea. Get Rockstar over here after we close. I'll get Y/N dressed into some more appropriate than our uniform. I'll get Muso to make some food for them out in the kitchen and then we'll place them at some tables further down in the shop." She explained pointing towards where the lights were more dimmed and a more in a more cut off room. "Wauw. Better than what I was thinking." Ash said impressed whilst nodding his head. He smiled at her before standing up from the bar stool. "Want some coffee with you?" Rhonda asked already mixing Ashton a latte. "Can't say no to that. Thanks." He smiled before grabbing the cup walking out from the shop. As you saw Ashton walk out of the door you went back to the bar, looking curiously at Rhonda. "What did he want?" You asked, as you stood next to her placing the empty tray in your hands on the counter. "Coffee. Not a surprise." She said with a wink, looking up at the clock. "What are you doing later?" Rhonda asked all of the sudden making you cock an eyebrow. "Comparing to the fact that we close at 11pm and its Tuesday, nothing?" You asked confused and she nodded her head at your words. "I bought a dress here this morning before I went to work. The size is actually a little too small for me so I think you should try it. I have it in a bag in our back room." She smiled before taking a new tray, placing 2 cups on it. "Sure." You smiled before seeing new people coming in through the door. Taking the notepad from the counter you gave her one last smile before walking over to the table they had placed themselves at.
"No Cal wait." You almost shouted pushing whatever grocery you had into Chase arms before sprinting after Cal, trying to catch up with him. As you turned around the corridor like he did you knotted your eyebrows as he was nowhere to be seen. Turning around you were met by the rest of the boys, them all staring suspicious at you. "You've been ignoring him for so many weeks, why in the world would you think that he was gonna talk to you?" Ashton almost snapped, taking you totally aback by his cold state. "What?" You mumbled not getting what he was hinting. "You've had your chances Y/N." Luke said as they walked past you. "And you wasted them." He finished off before they went out of the grocery store, you still standing frozen. You took a deep breath before turning around to see Chase wait for you further down the corridor. "I don't know what just happened." You confessed as approached him, looking a last time back at where Calum had stood only 10 minutes ago. "I don't either. Come on lets go pay for this." He smiled gesturing to the grocery and you nodded your head, following him to the cashier. You were silence the whole ride home and when you came home you went straight up to your room. Laying in your bed your mind went all fuzzy, thoughts were flying around in your head. Looking daring at your phone you hesitated for a moment before grabbing it from your pillow, unlocking it. You opened the message app before scrolling down until you came past Calum's name. Pressing you started to type a message your fingers shaking as you did it. You read the message through before clicking send. Waiting for a text back felt like hours but as you heard the small bip coming from your phone you grabbed it almost harshly unlocking it to see what he typed back. "No I don't wanna talk." It was flat and straight, hitting you hard in your chest. "Wanna delete this text?" Your phone suddenly questioned making you knot your eyebrows, pressing no. Everything started to feel suspicious so you pressed the gear in the messages seeing a sudden briefcase named "deleted texts". You didn't hesitate to press and all Calum's old texts sudden appeared making your eyes wide in surprise, seeing how desperate he'd been. "I didn't receive any of these." You mumbled to yourself and as you did Chase came in through your door. "What?" He asked confused placing a mug on your dresser. "My phone has been deleting my texts." You said in an angry tone showing him your phone. His eyes started to grow bigger, looking between you and the phone. "Maybe you have to get it fixed." He stammered, looking away from your suspicious eyes. "Why are you so nervous all of the sudden?" You questioned, standing up from your bed. "I uhm." He mumbled avoiding your gaze. "Tell me." You demanded, and he let out a shaky sigh. "I may or may not have been deleting your texts from Cal." Your jaw almost hit the floor as he said it. "You're kidding right?" You said in almost a whisper. "Why?" "Because you're so much better without him, I know you!" He exclaimed making you roll your eyes at him. "But that doesn't mean that you're allowed to delete something that was personal send to me! Everything makes sense now." You said placing your hands on your cheeks, the puzzle finally completed. "You're such an idiot you know that right?" You asked him but didn't let him finish as you already headed towards your door. "Where you're going?" He asked. "Out. I need to talk to Cal." You said seriously already heading out. Walking over to Calum's flat you didn't hesitate to bang at least 15 times on his door, wanting him to talk to you as soon as possible. But what you didn't expect was for Ashton to open the door instead. "What are you doing here?" Ashton snapped as him and Luke was standing in the doorframe, their cold stares never leaving your small frame.
"But what if it starts to rain?" Ashton asked as he was sitting on Luke's broad shoulders, the boys decorating the trees, Luke trying to stabilize the heavy Aussie resting on his shoulders. "It won't. I reassure." Luke answered and let out a sigh of relief as Ashton announced that he was done. Stumbling over to a bench near them, he let Ashton almost fall over the table, feeling a relief in his shoulder. "Geez thanks mate." Ashton said sarcastically, giving Luke a fake glare before he started to giggle. "What is this?" Michael asked coming into view in the garden, both boys having a smug look on their faces. "You'll see." Luke winked before grabbing his phone, dialing a number. | "Micky come on, the movie is starting." You yelled towards the kitchen, your eyes not leaving the screen as the start menu of The Host was covering the screen. Grabbing the remote, you was about to press play when you heard Micky's voice faint in the kitchen, talking lower than what he usual did. "Are you talking to Pam?" You asked confused, but he only hold his finger in front of his mouth indicating that you shouldn't be talking. "God it." Was the last thing he answered before he placed his phone on the counter, looking outside the window before walking over to you and took a seat. "Micky what's going on?" You said with your voice quiet, looking around as in someone was watching you. "Nothing?" He smiled, before reaching out for the bowl of popcorn that was placed on the coffee table. "Okay." You mumbled unsure leaning back against the couch cushion, pulling the blanket next to you over your lap. "Aren't you going to start the movie?" You asked confused seeing Micky frozen sat in his seat, looking outside the window. "What the fuck is going on." You mumbled standing up from the couch ready to walk over to the window. "Nonono." Micky almost pleaded grabbing your hand. "Micky you're acting crazy, what the hell is happening, I have the rights to know?!" You said with anger in your voice making Micky's mouth open agape, clearly not a part of his plan. He looked behind you, looking outside the window to see Luke and Ashton sending him thumbs up, and Micky let go of your hand. "Fine. Look for it yourself." He said calm raising his hands in surrender. Nodding your head at him, you gave him a final last glare before walking over to his window, knotting your eyebrows. Not far away behind his garden where trees were gathered, faint lights were illuminating around in the trees. Not even hesitating you went over to his outdoor before opening it, the actual warm night weather hitting your skin as you went down the stairs, your feet now connecting with the soft grass. Coming closer to the area you noticed that the small lights were lamps in different colors placed around the trees, and a blanket placed on the grass in the middle of it. Walking closer to the blanket you noticed a basket placed on it, a note attached to it. "Sit down." It read and you looked around in confusion, not really getting what was going on. Yet you still sat down on the blanket, and when the sudden sound from some bushes appeared you turned around from where the noise was coming from. Before you knew it, Michael came out from the bush with a guitar in his hand, both of you guys looking wide eyed at each other. Michael looked back at the bushes, seeing Luke and Ashton waving their hands in a motion of "Go go go" and Michael looked back at you, seeing you sit with your legs into your chest, chin on your knees. "I can do this." Michael thought before taking a seat next to you on the blanket.
"Mate, have you seen Ashton?" Calum asked as he pulled Michael a side into the kitchen, Michael stumbling in with a drink in his hand. "Not since we arrived why?" Michael asked confused taking a sip from his cup. "I'm just nervous that he'll end up in a corner and cry or such thing as that." Cal explained as they both were standing in the doorframe of the kitchen, looking out at the massive crowd of people either dancing, drinking or talking to each other. "This plan is terrible how the hell did I came up with this idea, there's no way they're gonna get back together at a party." Cal almost moaned scratching his eyes. "I don't even think Y/N is here." "Y/N? She's been here for over half an hour, I talked to her earlier, she was standing outside last time I saw her." Michael said, pointing towards the porch where smokers or people who just wanted some fresh air were hanging out. "And guess who's stumbling over at the drinking table." Michael snickered whilst pointing, Calum following his finger to see it pointing towards the back of a sudden curled haired lad. They both didn't hesitate to sprint over to Ashton, pushing through people. "Ash where've you been all night?" Cal asked as they both approached him, Ashton holding onto a bottle with bluish liquid, filling up a small shot cup. "A little bit here and a little bit there." He shrugged not taking his eyes away from the cup, staring deeply onto it not wanting to spill. "How much of them have you been drinking?" Michael asked referring to the cup in Ash's hands making the curly haired boy shrug before he placed the bottle down. "Open your mouth." Cal demanded making Ashton shake his head stubbornly. "Ashton." He said in a serious tone, looking deadly at Ashton, Michael staring intensely at him as well making Ash stick his tongue out slowly, the blue color on it indicating that he had been drinking far too much from that bottle. "God this is not how I planned it should be." Calum mumbled rolling his eyes as Ash drowned down the shot. "Guys I'm fine." Ashton giggled placing the cup on the table before turning around to look at the crowd, himself swaying lightly grabbing onto Michaels arm for support. "Okay maybe the world is spinning a smaller bit but that's the part of the roller coaster of life isn't it guys?" Ashton giggled, letting out a hiccup afterwards. "Sweet Jesus." Calum said whilst shaking his head as Michael and him were holding onto Ashtons arms, directing him outside to one of the benches. "What do we do?" Calum asked looking up at Michael. "I can't drive." He mumbled looking at Ashton, him trying to focus but failing badly. "I can't either." Cal said taking his phone out from his pocket, going through his contact list. "Shit Y/N's coming, gotta act normal." Ashton said sitting up straight in a salute position, Michael and Calum turning around to see you approaching them. "I just came to say goodbye. Thanks for inviting me." You smiled giving Calum a side hug. "You're welcome." Calum answered looking at Ashton's now depressed face expression, you now giving Michael a hug. As you pulled apart you looked hesitating at Ashton, noticing the redness in his eyes. "What's wrong with him?" You asked. "He's wasted as hell. We're trying to get him home but it's too late to call someone and everyone else isn't sober enough." Michael explained ruffling Ashton's curls. "I can uhm- take him home." You mumbled avoiding Ashton's pleading eyes, the two boys staring at you with joy in their eyes. "You're serious?" Cal asked surprised by your suggestion. "Why not. I haven't been drinking much. Gonna take the car anyways." You shrugged. "As long as you guys can help me get him into the car." You said and not far after the boys grabbed Ashton by his arms. "Come on boy, we're getting you home now." Calum smiled, a small hope for the two of you get some alone time might happening. "Act appropriate" Cal whispered into Ashton's ear as they were walking over to your car.

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