"Yeah I'd date a fan" PART 2

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read part1 first btw


"Will you stay till tonight?" Luke asked. I nodded.

"You have to buy me a new train ticket though. And a t-shirt - I spent all my money for merch on your Subways." I teased.

"I'll take you to the merch store now if you want? They're usually restocking by now." Luke offered.

"Yes let's!" I enthused, really looking forward to spending the afternoon with them.

"Let me just grab my wallet." He smiled at me and jogged out the room. The other three crowded me.

"Please make him buy you one of everything." Ash requested.

"He did ask you out right?" Mikey questioned.

"I might just and yeah, he did." I answered. "I can't believe you found my number and didn't give it to him." I sighed at Ashton.

"I can't believe you wrote your number on a napkin and expected him to find it." Ashton laughed, doubling over with how funny he found it.

"I think it's cute." Mikey pushed him over and he fell head first onto the carpet. I laughed at him too.

"I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship Talia, welcome to the world that is 5 Seconds of Summer. We hope you enjoy your stay." Calum chuckled, Ashton winced from the floor. Luke popped his head round the door.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded; walking with him to the merch stand.

"Tal?" I heard someone call out to me as we approached the stall with merchandise all over it.

"Grace? Hi!" I replied, surprised by my friends appearance here.

"Who's your friend?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, Luke, this is Grace." I introduced, trying to think of a reason as to why I knew him other than 'he thought I was pretty'.

"Talia did me a favour earlier - bought lunch for me because I forgot to pick anything up before we arrived here." Luke smiled very diplomatically at Grace. "And I owe Talia some money, so I came to pick her up whatever she wants." He gestured dramatically to all the merch.

"What can I get you?" Grace chirped.

"The Subway was only worth one t-shirt."

"Grace? Can I have one of everything please?" Luke smiled charmingly at her and she nodded.


"Tal, I'm offering, okay? As a thank you." Luke leant on the counter and grabbed my hand, totally out of Grace's view.

"How about I get you a little bundle sorted, okay? I know exactly what you want anyway." She teased; I blushed (again) and nodded. "I have no qualms spending other people's money." She smirked.

"Throw a couple more 5 Seconds of Summer t-shirts in; don't want one Direction stealing her affections now, do we?" He looked down at me with a smirk and that bloody look in his eyes; he was too cute. Grace folded a couple more t-shirts into the bag. We thanked her and started walking back down towards a dressing room.

"Finally alone." He sighed, dropping down on the sofa with a lazy thump and inviting me to sit next to him. I sat down marginally more delicately and leaned into him.

"You could stay the night with me if it's easier than getting home late." Luke offered.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I agreed.

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