Disclaimer and Intro

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Okay, let's get the legal stuff out of the way. I do not own MCR, any members therein, Music, Writings, Artwork, Photos, Lyrics, or Anyone who is associated with the band in anyway. The original characters used in this story however, are original/fictional therefore, any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

This story is a fictitious work, and the personalities of the people in this story will not accurately portray the real people. Thank you.


Just because Gerard Way is dead, doesn't mean he is gone.... he's still roaming around his home waiting for someone to walk through that door... anyone.  For something to happen.... anything. He's lonely, he has been for so long now. His family, and friends locked up his house, before moving on with their lives, leaving him trapped in the house, a spectral prisoner in a time capsule of his life.

Ellie had been on the run. With nowhere to go, she texts a friend for help. He thinks he knows a place she might be able to stay. She would only need to keep the place from falling apart since it has been empty for so long.  

Asleep or Dead(Gerard Way Romance)(Haunted)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now