Chapter 3. Settling In

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Gerard shook himself out of his thoughts, and his head began to clear of the memories, returning him to the present. The light coming from the window told him he must have sat there all night, and it was now early morning.

His mind turned to Ellie. He wondered if she stayed the night, and if so, where she was sleeping.

He got up from his chair, moved across the office, and out 'through' the closed door. He walked silently through the house towards the living room. He immediately noticed a lack of dust in the room. It even smelled aired out a little bit. He stood looking around, deciding where to start looking when he heard the smallest of sighs.

He turned his head toward the seating area, and walked toward the sofa. He peaked over the back of it, and saw her asleep. She was on her back but leaning more on her left side, facing the front of the couch. Her right arm was resting up and over her head, palm up and fingers curling ever so slightly. Her left arm was hanging off of the front of the sofa, and as he walked around he saw that she had dropped a book when she had fallen asleep.

He crouched down and saw it was his favorite copy of 'Dune'. He smiled. He had only known a few people who have read that book, and none of them had been a girl. He leaned in to get a better look at her. Her head was a riot of red curls, sticking out every which way. The left side of her face was kinda smooshed into the pillow, and she had the tiniest little bit of drool in the corner of her slightly opened mouth.

She was adorable.... and she was so real. Smiling, he found himself studying her, like he was trying to read the inside cover of a book. Trying to see something that would tell him anything about 'her' story.

That's when he noticed that she looked tired. Not just sleep deprived tired, but something else. He could not put his finger on it, but he continued to study her face. Dark circles under her eyes, but other than that, she had such a pretty complexion. Peaches and cream is what popped into his mind. Her brow furrowed as if something other a sweet dream was playing in her mind. It upset him. He actually hated the thought of any thing giving her a bad dream.

That thought took him back a step. Why should he feel anything for her when he knew nothing about her other than her name? But the feeling was there. It was a pull he could not explain. 'Get a grip, it's because she is the first person you've been around in 3 years!'.

He rested his knee on the ground, and leaned toward her just a little bit more. That had to be it. 'She is just a curiosity right now, there's not really a connection'. He tried to convince himself of this... he really did, but deep down, he didn't buy it...and worse yet, he felt guilty as hell to have any kind of a connection to anyone but his....*sigh*.... anyone who wasn't Lindsey.


He stayed like that for what seemed to be hours. Just studying her, memorizing her. Silently praying that Linds would forgive him.... wondering if there was even anything to forgive. She hadn't moved a tall, proving she was beyond exhausted.

'She must have stayed up almost all night cleaning this room just to have a space in which she could sleep.' Feeling the slightest guilt for a 'guest' not being comfortable in his home, he leaned close to her head. "I am sorry about the mess." he whispers, as he lightly touches her open palm.

She takes a deep breath, and slightly smiles, "That's okay.." she says in a breathy yawn, and her fingers curl, instinctively caressing back.

Asleep or Dead(Gerard Way Romance)(Haunted)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now