Chapter 17. Surprise Dates, and Dead Futures

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Unknown POV


'Yeah, she living there."

"No, she shouldn't be a problem."

"Yep, living by herself."

"Then I will fucking take care of it!"

He hung up abruptly thinking of how he was going to get back into that house. Ellie of course seemed to be the best way... not to mention, he might as well have some fun.


(smut warning for those who need it)


He slipped his arm around her waist and brought her close to his chest. His lips ghosted over her collarbone, slipping up and behind her ear. "I need you so much Ellie." His breathless whisper sent shivers down her spine. She slipped her arms around his neck, and pulled him toward her, her lips connecting and molding to his. He instantly took control of the kiss, pushing her back towards the bed. Lowering her slowly without breaking the kiss, his hands worked their way up the sides of her shirt, pulling it up gently until it was free.

As he straddled her, with his knees by her thighs, he pulled back to look at her, she had other ideas and without removing her hand from the back of his neck, sat up with him, keeping him close to her. She moved her hands around to the front of his shirt and made quick work of the buttons, kissing newly exposed flesh with each released button. He put his head back and moaned quietly, while slipping his hands into her hair and lightly pulling back to bring her face back to his, crashing his lips onto hers.

His tongue brushed along her bottom lip asking for entrance, which she instantly gave him. She tangled her hands into his hair, breaking the kiss momentarily, and taking a breath. He took the opportunity to lower his mouth to the crook of her neck and started nipping at the soft spot under her ear which earned him a breathless cry of desire. He quickly leaned her back on the bed, while working his mouth down her her chest, trailing down her stomach before reaching the waist of her pants. His fingers deftly worked the buttons and he wasted no time pulling them from her leaving her only in her lace panties, and matching bra.

He paused and looked at the woman in front of him. She was exquisite. She was everything. The only thing in the world that he would ever stay for. Live again for. Exist forever for. She was his. She always had been, he just did not realize it until now.

He came down fast, and collided his lips with hers. She accepted him greedily, her hands playing across the buttons of his jeans, releasing him from the binding cloth. As she gripped him, he gasped, and ground himself further into her grip.

Pulling her bra straps off of her shoulders, her breasts fell free, leaving him open access. Which he readily took advantage of. Taking a nipple into his mouth, rolling it with his tongue, and nipping softly. Ellie's head swam, completely unaware of the moans escaping her lips. She barely noticed the cool air that hit her when her panties where being tugged down, but was quickly replaced by a strong pale hand. She gasped as his fingers stroked her, making her instantly ready for him. "Please..." she whimpered. He released her breast, and kissed a trail down to her mound. Ellie started seeing stars before her eyes.  As he placed his mouth on her, and started kissing and nipping at her core, the stars she saw turned into 'super novas'. And she wound her fingers into his hair to keep him in place.

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