Chapter 10. Dead but Not Gone

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Ellie had made her way downstairs, and saw who was in the kitchen...

As if on cue, he looked up and their eyes met. After the slightest pause, he smiled a smile that took her breath away.. well, it would have, if she had not been holding it. He raised up the plate, and said "Good Morning Ellie! I made you pancakes!"

Then it hit her.... It's Gerard Way. The Gerard Way...... But... It can't be..... because...


....."But... You're Dead!".......

Gerard's smile faltered slightly, but he kept his eyes locked with hers as he put the plate down, and slowly walked around the island toward her, stopping about 5 feet away. "I may be dead, but it doesn't mean I am gone." He said softly. He stood still, waiting to see what Ellie would do.

Which was absolutely nothing for what seemed like forever. Then slowly, she descended the last stair until she was at the bottom and only feet away from him.

Ellie was not sure what she was doing, she was currently standing feet away from the one and only Gerard Way... who was murdered over three years before.  Most people would instinctively scream and run away from a situation like this, but Ellie knew (even if she did not know how) that she didn't need to fear him.

She walked closer to him, almost expecting this to be an illusion, and have him disappear the second she got too close.

Closer...  she slowly continued. He stayed as still as a statue. He was afraid that if he moved, she would run out of the house screaming, never to return.

She moved another step.. closer still.  She was a breath away from him. Her eyes roaming over him, waiting for him to do something.. move, disappear... anything.

He stood there patiently waiting for her to decide what she wanted to do. She was looking him over, scanning every inch of him. He watched every emotion on her face. Her wide, curious eyes came up and locked with his. They stood there a few moments, both holding their breath... neither of them willing to make the first move for fear of breaking the spell.

Ellie was the first to move. She leaned in slightly and with a breath above a whisper asked, "Are you real?"

Gerard's only response to this was to slowly lift his right hand, and with the softest of touches brushed his fingertips along her left cheek... not loosing contact, he moved his hand to actually cup and caress her cheek, as he finally took a step closer, closing what little distance was left between them.

Gerard leaned forward, his lips a breath away from hers. And just as softly, he finally spoke, "I'm very real Ellie."

Ellie's body seemed to be drawn to his... she leaned even closer, mirrored his action, and raised her hand and brushed his cheek with her fingertips.

At her caress, Gerard's breath hitched, he closed his eyes, and leaned into her touch. Being the first time he had been touched in over three years, he never wanted the contact to end. His left hand reached forward, and found Ellie's waist and felt her jump a little, but she quickly relaxed into his grasp. He moved his hand around her waist and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her the rest of the way to him. He lowered his head into the crook of her neck, closed his eyes and just breathed her in.

Ellie felt him move his hand and arm around her, finally, he pulled her into his chest. She surprised herself by relaxing into him.   Instead of putting distance between them, her fingers ran down his chest, and curled around the fabric of his shirt. She rested her head on his shoulder, with her nose brushing up against his neck just under his jawline. She closed her eyes, and felt a wave of emotions she knew were not entirely her own.

Time passed slowly for both of them.

Ellie remembered propriety first, and when she realized she was embracing a man she did not know, slowly loosened her grip and started to pull away clearing her throat a little.

Gerard felt her loosen her grip on him and start to pull away. Instinctively, his arms tightened slightly to keep her in his embrace. He realized he had to stop before he frightened her, and slowly released her, and took a 'very' small step back. "I'm sorry Ellie, it's just been so long since I have been able to touch anyone."

He looked down at his hands. Ellie reached out tentatively, and held his hand with hers, looking at it with wonder. "Don't be sorry, I understand." She looked up and met his gaze, before looking down again at their entwined fingers, not remembering the moment when they actually 'entwined' themselves.

Gerard was looking down at his hands, not sure of what to do, or what else to say. He saw Ellie reach out, take his hand in hers, and he heard her sweet voice speak to him. He honestly could not focus on anything she said, he was too entranced by her delicate fingers, as he entwined his fingers with hers.

He looked back up and saw she was looking at him with a mix of emotions he felt he shared. Confusion, happiness, sadness, love..... 'love?' He stopped at that thought. 'No, it's just everything happening at once. Love for another human, that's all it is.'

Gerard cleared his throat, "Are you hungry Ellie? I made you breakfast."



Looks like a couple of people have finally connected!!  ('bout damn time).   haha

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than most... it just seemed like a good place to leave you hanging, so you can let your imaginations run off with you for the next few days!  woohoo!  

Now Don't Forget to Tune In Next Week ....Chapter 11. Awkward Gerard Watches Ellie Eat Breakfast!  (title by HappyPusheen )  

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!!!

Love you all!  


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