Chapter 4. If You Stay

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~Gerard's POV~

The last few hours have been a blur of activity. Apparently, Frankie had called the police as he had left his house and it was just a matter of minutes before they were pounding at the door shouting "POLICE!". It took Ellie a minute to come out of the trance she was in, but was able to shakily get up and get to the door to let them in. Four officers rushed in, and spread out with their firearms drawn.  Another officer came in and placed his arm protectively around Ellie's shoulders and led her outside to one of the police cars and wrapped her in a blanket.

He stayed by her through the whole ordeal. He looked like he was taking her 'statement', but I saw him sneak glances at her when she wasn't looking. 'Jackass. Can't he see she is upset, and probably doesn't even notice what he looks like?'.  

Even when Frank showed up, which was only about 15 minutes later, he would not leave her alone. He even got all 'policey' when Frank hurried to Ellie's side... The bastard even took a defensive stance and told Frank to "Stop right there Sir".  I couldn't stop laughing at that! I mean, does he even KNOW who Frank is?! Probably not... he doesn't look too scene.

Oh Yeah, and she looked real impressed. Frank, who of course does not take orders...(especially when it comes to getting to his friends when they need him), pretty much walked right through mister 'knight in police blue armor' to grab Ellie and hold her while she started crying again.

While the cop was still trying to impress Ellie, the others had gone through the house to make sure no one was in there... which there is, but they can't see me.  Soon after, they all filed outside and looked at Ellie like she had gone insane. It wasn't fair. They are there to serve and protect, not act like asses if they don't get to shoot someone on every call. Ugg.  Although, I was very happy when they finally left my house.

Right now Ellie is wrapped up in MY blanket.. it happened to be my favorite one. Frankie had managed to 'accidentally' maneuver the cop's blanket onto the ground before leading Ellie back into the house.. the look on the guy's face was pretty priceless.... man, I love you Frankie! 

Grandma had crocheted this one for me when I was about 13 years old. When things felt like they where falling apart in my world, or I just missed her,  I liked to wrap myself in it, and it always made me feel better.

I've never shared it before now. Even Linds knew not to use it. Frankie found it in the hall closet. Ellie was in a little ball in the corner of the sofa wrapped up in my blanket, and it felt... it felt... well, it felt right. It was almost as if it were a part of me giving her a hug and helping her feel better. I know it sounds ridiculous, but there you have it.

I walk to the side of the sofa and crouch down next to her. "I will never hurt you, please don't be afraid of me." I don't know why I whispered it, I know they can't hear me. I look down and shake my head. Even being inches away from her, I feel so alone. I hate being invisible.  And to think I used to wish for it, even tried to be as invisible as I could when I was young. 

Man, was I a stupid kid or what? 

I smile and shake my head at my own foolishness, and as I raise my head back up, I end up looking straight into emerald green eyes. They really do take my breath away. "You are so beautiful." I did not mean to say it out loud, but again.. who cares?...right?

Her widen slightly, and her pupils dilate. Is she looking at me? No.. she's looking through me. My heart sinks just a little at that realization. But still, she is very focused in my direction with an odd look on her face.

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