Chapter 26. Never Mind About the Shape I'm In...

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Silence settled over the group, and all eyes settled on Mikey.

Gerard couldn't comprehend what his brother had just said. 'Not dead? Is he nuts?'

Frankie was the first to break the silence, "What the fuck did you just say?". He looked at Mikey with disbelief, and barely leashed rage.

Mikey straightened his shoulders, "I said.. Gerard is Not Dead. He's been in a coma since the attack." He raised his hand when Frank opened his mouth to say something. 

 "When the paramedics got here, Gerard was still alive.. barely. They did not think he would live, but they worked to stabilize him anyway.. it's protocol or something. It was a surprise to everyone involved when he actually pulled through, but...." He stopped and looked at Ellie, who's eyes were wide, and full of tears. "He has been on life support for the last three years, an... and... they don't think it's advantageous to keep him on it any longer." his voice breaking at the end.

"What do you mean by that?" Ellie's voice was barely audible.

"I mean... in three days, the doctors are going to take him off of life support..." Mikey's knees seemed to go out from under him as he sat back down in the chair. "There is nothing I can do about it at this point." He put his head in his hands and Ellie saw the first tear fall from his eye.

Gerard's head was spinning.. How was he even here if he wasn't actually dead? How is it even possible? His arms were still around Ellie, and he felt her body tremble. He looked down and saw she was trying to hold back tears, but about to break down and lose it altogether.

"Baby, it's okay.. I am here.. I am NOT leaving you!" He lifted her chin to look into her tear filled eyes. It broke his heart to see her grieve. "Everything's going to be okay Sugar.. come on.. let's get you up." Pulling her up a bit, and supporting her unstable weight as she tried to find her balance. "Please don't leave me.." Was all she was able to whisper to him through her sniffles.

Gerard helped her back to the sofa and as she sat down, he leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. "Baby, I already told you.. Never. Gonna. Happen. I will always come for you.. always."

"Mikey, we need to talk," Frank gestured to Ellie, "Let's go into Gee's office." Mikey nodded, and stood. Both men walked down the hall towards the office, Gerard stood from Ellie to follow. "I'll be right back Baby, yell if you need me." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head before trotting down the hall, his head swimming with all of the possibilities.


Frankie closed the office door just as Gerard walked through. Mikey was looking at the drawings on Gerard's desk as Frank finally asked. "What the hell Mikey? Are you serious? Gerard's been alive this whole time?!" 

 Mikey just looked up and nodded 'yes'. "Why the FUCK WOULD YOU MAKE US ALL THINK HE DIED THAT NIGHT?!" Frank felt betrayed by someone who he considered a brother, and he just could not deal with this amount of anger any longer. "WHY?!"

Mikey jumped, "I didn't think he was going to make it.. They... They said he wouldn't make it through the night. By the time a day or two passed, word spread that he was killed, and to turn around then, and tell everyone he was actually alive.. just to have him die it would be like losing him twice!"

Mikey wiped his eyes, and closed them tight, so not to see the hurt look on Frank's face. "I didn't know what I was doing, and by the time I figured it out, it was too late to go back... it would have just caused more pain." He turned back to the desk, and shuffled through a few more pictures.. just imagining his brother sitting there, hunched over.. biting his lip, or sticking his tongue out while drawing.

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