Chapter 16. Fucking Roses?

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There was a knock on the door.

Jamia took Ellie's hand and drug her down the rest of the stairs.  Ellie's feet slowly took her towards Gerard, and he closed the distance.

Another knock at the door.

Ellie stood frozen, still staring into Gerard's eyes. Justin was here. He was here to take her away from her home. A wave an anxiety washed over her, a light sheen of perspiration broke out across her face. Her breathing became labored, and she started to slightly shake.

Gerard stepped forward, and swept the back on his knuckles lightly down her left cheek. His lips were moving, but the ringing in Ellie's ears prevented her from realizing that he had been saying something. As she watched his lips moving, and felt the touch of his hand, she started to find her center again. As the ringing in her ears started to subside, she could start to focus on his words.

"Be calm, everything is going to be okay Ellie." He moved directly in front of her, raised his other hand, and held her face close to his so she could see only him. "Everything is okay, Ellie, you are safe. Just breathe...I'm here.."

Ellie stood still, and started to breath in sync with Gerard, until she could feel her heart rate slow, and started to feel the anxiety start to ebb. Her lips were merely a breath away from his, "Please don't make me go." Her whisper was only loud enough for Gerard to make out what she said.

But Frank, and Jamia shared a worried look as they watched their friend, focused on an empty spot and talking to herself.

"Well, err.... I will get the...Door.." Jamia said being suddenly unsure about if this was a good idea at all.  Jamia reached the door and opened it, as another knock sounded.

Gerard pulled Ellie a fraction of an inch closer, "It will be okay, you will have some fun, and I will be here when you get back... Now, take a deep breath, it's time to turn around." As he told Ellie to turn, he placed his hands lightly on her shoulders and turned her until she was facing Frank, Jamia, and a tall brunette with a bouquet of roses, and a smile that made Gerard want to vomit.

Ellie tried to smile, but was sure she looked like she was ripping her own fingernails out. She walked woodenly over to the new man in her house. He stepped forward, almost a little too quickly and she paused. He immediately realized his mistake, and stopped. "It's nice to finally meet you, Ellie."

He smiled, and she let out the breath she was holding, squared her shoulders, and closed the gap between them. She held out her hand to shake his, and instead, found a bouquet of roses placed in it. Justin then lifted up her left hand and gently placed a kiss on the back of it.

At that moment, Jamia let out a girly sigh, Frank let out a disgusted grunt, and Ellie was not sure, but she thought she heard Gerard growling.


After the flurry of activity of getting Ellie and ......her date..... out the door, Jamia put those damned roses in a vase, and she and Frankie left, leaving Gerard once again, alone with his thoughts.... and time on his hands.

6:30 pm

Gerard sighs as he looks at the clock... "okay, no.. this is good. She needs this....Yeah."

He scoffs, "Roses."

7:30 pm

Pacing in his office listening to the tick, tock, tick, tock of the clock. "They should be at the movie by now... let's see.. movie, about 2 hours... Yeah, we're good."

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