Chapter 28. Haven't You Heard The News?

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It was 3:37 am when the doctor entered the private wing of the hospital and stopped in front of the nurses' station. "Nurse, may I have Mr. Way's file please." Both nurses looked up, and were startled at the doctor's arriving at such a early hour. The older nurse turned, grabbed the file, and handed it to the doctor. "Is there a problem Dr. McCracken?"

"No nurse, I just wanted to check the charts again before we remove the patient from life support." He said without looking up from the file. As he flipped through the pages, the nurses looked at each other. The younger nurse mouthed 'what's going on?' to which the older one could only shrug and shake her head.

Dr. McCracken closed the file and sharply turned towards the room where Gerard was laying. With anxious glances between the two nurses, the senior nurse quickly walked around the desk and followed the doctor into the room.

"Doctor, may I ask....." She saw the doctor switching connections on the machines, getting ready to start shutting down the systems. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She rushed over and tried her best to cover the knobs and buttons to keep him from pressing any more of them.

"Step aside nurse, this man is slated to be taken off of life support, and that is exactly what I am doing!" He took a step to the side and motioned for her to immediately comply, but was surprised when she stood her ground. "Excuse me Doctor, but he is not slated to be taken off support for another two days!"

The doctor inhaled a deep breath, and slowly released it. "Yes, I know nurse.. but what is another two days when I am here now?" The nurse was pretty sure she felt her chin drop to the floor at such an insensitive comment, but still would not budge.

The doctor knew he would have to explain more. "I leave for vacation this afternoon, and there will be no one to do this until I get back in 7 weeks. Now, please step aside." He looked her dead in the eye, and silently demanded that she obey, or she might be looking at repercussions.

The nurse knew there was nothing she could do at that point. She slowly stepped to the side as the doctor stepped up to the panel again, and resumed priming the system for shutdown.

"Doctor, please just allow me to call his family, so they can come say goodbye." She was having a hard time speaking with a clear voice. She's had Gerard in her care for almost four years now, and even though she felt a connection to all of her patients, she felt different this time. This time, she felt she had a connection to Mikey as well, since he was the only family member of all of her patients that came in like clockwork every other day. She felt more than anything that he needed to be here before the doctor finished the shutdown.

"No time nurse, my flight takes off after lunch, and my wife is leaving me to my own packing." He paused and looked over at the nurse who was visibly upset. "If it makes you feel any better, just tell his family that he passed away in the night, that will even alleviate any guilt on their part. There.... problem solved." He looked proud of himself for being such a great 'problem solver'.

"Guilt?! Doctor, the family doesn't have any GUILT! You and the board are the ones who have decided to take this man OFF OF LIFE SUPPORT... NOT THEM!" She finally had had enough, and did not care if she lost her job because of her outburst. This was just inhumane as far as she was concerned. It also was not the first time that she had seen Dr. McCracken sway the board of directors in this same direction either.

The Doctor did not say a word, he just turned his head and looked at the he flipped the last switch. She was sure she saw an almost undetectable smirk flicker across his face as he looked at her. Then just like that, he turned and was gone.

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