Chapter 13. Rage and Other Emotions

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Ellie sat through the hospital ordeal worrying about Gerard. She had heard the equivalent of an explosion in the house, and that was just not a good sign. She thought back on Jamia pulling her out of the house and closing the door. Ellie had her eyes locked with Gerard's, and he had been mouthing something to her but she was not quite able to tell what it was. What ever it was he ended it with a smile that just about took her breath away.

She was only half listening to Jamia, when she thought she heard her say that she and Frank had set up a blind date for her. It still had not fully registered until she saw Gerard's smile drop, and his eyes widen and flash to Jamia right as the door closed, cutting off the visual contact that Ellie had on him. Then what she had said clicked in Ellie's brain. Within the same moment, horrid crashing sounds came from inside the house, and Ellie knew from the energy flowing from the dwelling, that it was coming from Gerard, and he was in a turmoil of hurt, anger.... and something else, she could not quite place.

Jamia, looked back at the door and started to open it again.. "What on earth was that?!" Ellie quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her the rest of the way down the front steps into the car. "Oh, it was probably that damn shelf in the cupboard again, it has a loose peg, and fell last week too. I thought I fixed it, but... well..."

She knew she sounded like she was full of shit, and Jamia was not quite buying it, so she did the only thing she knew would get her to forget about it. Ellie's hand flew to the bandage on her head, and with a over-dramatic look of angst started to fain pain. "Ohhh... ooooohhh...." then started sucking air through her teeth. She knew she was probably laying it on a little thick, but Jamia instantly forgot about the crashing that was still going on inside the house, and quickly got Ellie into the car.

"Frankie, hurry, we have to get her there!"

And with that, they zoomed off to the hospital, Ellie looking back at the house, praying Gerard would be okay, not fully understanding why he was as upset as he was. She also hoped the house would still be standing when she got back.


'Miss Williams?" Ellie was brought back to the present moment... in the hospital. "Yes Doctor? I am sorry, I was just thinking about a friend of mine."

Jamia and Frank shared a look, because they were pretty sure Ellie did not know anyone, and refused to go out. Which is why they thought setting her up on a date was just the thing she needed.

"Miss Williams, have you had any dizzy spells, or anything like this happen to you before?"

"Well, no. I was just checking the stereo and think I stood up to fast. I was also turning at the same time, which just didn't help." She gave a little chuckle and finished explaining, "I am just not the most graceful person in the world Doctor."

He smiled at her, and she knew he bought it. "Well, Miss Williams, the CAT Scan was fine, and I do not see anything to indicate that you should have any other problems except for some soreness from the wound itself. You did a very good job of bandaging it yourself by the way."

She gave a small laugh, "Well, with being a bonafide Klutz, you have to get good at bandages."

Everyone in the room chuckled. Except for Frank. He just shared a knowing look with Ellie, as she held her fake smile. 'She's good at it,' Frank thought to himself... 'she's a little too good at it. She really needs to win an Oscar for her acting ability.' And with that thought, Frank's lips finally turned into what others had perceived as a small smile, but Ellie knew what he was really thinking.

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