Chapter 8. Bound by Blood

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Sometimes the things we don't see are the most interesting. The small insignificant things that end up changing the course of events, and even lives. Things most people would never even think of, or consider at all.... like things that fall between cracks, or lay forgotten and dried under the floorboards.

Weeks ago, the room was cleaned of all remnants of the horrible event three years past, but there was something they left behind. Hiding from all cleaning efforts, there laying dried and peeling....


More specifically, Gerard's blood. Laying there in wait, for a catalyst.

Ellie lay prone and unconscious on the floor, blood seeping from the wound behind her ear.

Blood, the substance of life. In this case, Ellie's life. One drop containing approximately 5 million living cells.... Ellie's life force. The first few small drops of blood making their way, quickly followed more, creating a tiny red rivulet down through the cracks and slowly, one drop at a time, falling on an old dried and peeling patch of blood. A Catalyst....


Gerard all but collapsed over Ellie, weeping. Begging. Praying. There was nothing he could do to help her. Unaware of the happenings under the floorboards, and with tears streaming down his face, begging her to be okay, begging her to wake up, he swept his fingers over her face...

And he could touch her.

Truly touch her.

A Reaction....

Remembering that Ellie's head was bleeding, Gerard quickly took off his shirt and tried to staunch the flow of blood.

Gerard, still marveling at the fact that he can make physical contact with Ellie, caresses her face with his long pale fingers. "Please Ellie, don't leave me." He hovers inches above her face to check for any reaction at all. He lays his head on her chest, and hears her heartbeat. Relieved, he brings himself back up to her face. "Ellie... Ellie honey, wake up. Please wake up!"


Ellie was running down a dark hallway. The walls were painted a dark red, the doors that lined both sides were all painted black. The carpet was black, and like Velcro. The faster she tried to run, the slower her legs moved. She felt like she was running through molasses. He was coming for her, she had to hide. She started trying to open doors. Locked... she ran further down the never ending hallway, another door, locked.. another door, locked.. all the fucking doors... LOCKED. She could hear him getting closer, and started to lose hope. Just then a door opened, and a hand came out, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her though the open doorway.

She stood panting and disoriented. This room, like the hallway, was dark red and black. She could barely see anything in the low light. She did, however see movement. She remembered that she was pulled into the room and realized she had no idea who pulled her in... Were they friend, or foe? Of course they would be foe, she has no friends. Well, except Frank, but as she tried to focus through the darkness of the room she immediately knew it was not frank because, even though she could not see the features of the man in front of her, she did see that his head was covered in short, snowy white hair.

Asleep or Dead(Gerard Way Romance)(Haunted)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now