Chapter 21. Justin's Game

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~AN~ I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Maybe_Mikey_Way , who has kept me on my game, and helped me find the inspiration to write when I need to!  Thank You!


(In a tall office building in downtown Los Angeles...)

~Unknown POV~

*while stroking his mustachio*  <--- for you @Maybe_Mikey_Way


"Mr. Way, I know this property means a lot to you, but don't you really think it's time to sell? It's costing more to keep it, and it will continue to cost more as the area is built up, and the taxes are raised."

"Yes, I understand that, but I am offering you more than the property is worth, and you really need to think more rationally about this offer."

"Mr. Way... This is business, and there really is no room in business for emotion. Your brother has passed. Please be sensible and realize that the house is doing nothing but losing value. It is of no use to you, but it can still pose a final financial asset to you, and to your family."

"Yes, I understand that there is currently someone living there. Is she paying rent? I thought not. Well, then Mr. Way, how is this serving you any benefit at all? It sounds to me like you have a person taking advantage of you."

"No offense meant, Mr. Way....  I am sure she is a fine lady."

"Well,  perhaps when she decides to move out, you will think about entertaining my offer on the property?"

"Yes, that will be fine, but please remember, my offer is not going to stay as generous as it is now.. the best option is for you to set your friend up with a nice condo.. maybe on the beach. With the money I am offering you, you would have enough to buy her one and never have to worry about needing anything."

"Yes, yes.. again, my apologies for any offense, it is not my intention."

"I will again send my offer to Mr. Bryar's office, and if you like, you can discuss options with him. I hope to hear from you soon, and please consider this as the best plan for everyone involved."

"Goodbye Mr. Way"

He hangs up the phone and tosses it on his mahogany desk.

"Damn it Justin!" Slamming his hands down, he turns and eyes his nephew. "How hard could it possibly be for you to charm that bitch out of that fucking house?!"

"I am doing my best Uncle, but she is a total recluse, and Frank Iero seems to be extremely attached to her. He is doing his best to cock block me at every turn."

Justin's Uncle gave him an incredulous look and huffed.

"If I just had more time, and better access to her, I know I can do it!" Justin was frustrated with the situation. He had never had a problem charming a woman before, and Ellie was really throwing him for a loop. He just could not seem to get her out of her shell. The Dumb Broad was going to pay for it one way or another.

"Dammit kid, I don't have time for you to play your little Casanova games with this bitch.. It's time for plan B."

Justin bristled at the thought of not being able to play his game through, but knew he could not argue with his uncle.

He did not want to end up like Gerard Way, after all.

He would still get to play with his new little toy, he would only be missing out on the chase and conquer part of the game. Even though he loved that part, it was what comes after that really got him off.

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