Chapter 9. Pancakes in the Twilight Zone

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Ellie opened her eyes expecting the room to be empty. Again she looked up into hazel eyes. Hazel eyes that looked very amused. "Am I asleep?" her voice croaked a little. 

The angel shook his head slightly. "Oh...." her eyes fell to where he sat on the bed next to her. She looked up and met his gaze again, "Am I dead?" His amused look faltered slightly. But again, he shook his head, and whispered "No."

Ellie tried to scoot up into a sitting position to put a little distance between them. This caused the man to shift his position, and had moved even closer to the head of the bed, leaving him closer to her than he was before. She was still not completely convinced this was not a dream, so she had to ask. 

"Are you an angel?" This brought a very sassy, almost carnal smirk to his lips, as he slowly shook his head 'no'.

"And before you start to worry....No, I am not a demon either." He said.

"Are you sure?" Her eyes traveled the length of him and back to his face, "Sometimes the most evil things come in the nicest packages." She groaned internally...'Way to go dipshit... did you actually just say that to him?' Ellie was mentally kicking herself in the ass when she heard him laughing quietly.

She knew her face was as red as it could possibly get. As she looked up she found him inches from her face. "I'm sure, but thank you Sugar." he said with a smile she was sure had the ability to knock her out cold again.


After Ellie's statement about still being asleep, Gerard knew she was going to be okay. Having been watching her for the last few months, he knew Ellie had a good, if not dry sense of humor, and it served her well. It was not only her comfort, but her weapon, and she wielded it with deadly force and Frank knows all to well by now.

He watched her open her eyes knowing she was expecting him to be gone. As the green orbs focused on him once again, he waited for what she would do.

"Am I asleep?" her voice sounded dry. 

Gerard slightly shook his head 'no'. He watched her lips part again, about to speak. He couldn't take his eyes off of any muscle she moved.

"Am I dead?" That question took him back a step. Within milliseconds the possibilities flew through his mind.. 'can she be dead, and that's why I can touch her?' 'No, she's still bleeding, she can't be dead.' With this revelation strong in his mind, he looked at her, and whispered "No."

She tried to get into a sitting position. Gerard knew that she was trying to put a little distance between them, but as she moved up, his body instinctively moved as well, placing him even closer to her than he was before. He really did not think about what he was doing, it was like he was magnetically drawn to her.

She was still looking at him, and he felt another question coming on. "Are you an angel?" 

Now this made him smile. She thought he looked like an angel. He knew women found him attractive when he was alive, and it never really meant anything to him.. but now. Now he felt a bit of an ego boost. As he looked at Ellie, he slowly shook his head 'No' as he gave his best 'lady killer' smirk. You know.. just to see if she would react.

Asleep or Dead(Gerard Way Romance)(Haunted)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now