Chapter 25. The Ghost of You

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Realization started to penetrate Frank's muddled brain.

He was being held a foot off of the ground and pinned to a wall. Normally he would think this was being done by the only other person in the room... that would make sense. Unfortunately for him, the only other person in the room was Ellie, and she was currently about 15 feet away from him, looking like she was about to start crying again.

Frank's head was spinning with confusion, as his world was tipping it's axis. "ELLIE?! WHAT'S HA...HAPPENING?!"

He should not have been surprised by her answer, and yet he was. It was a simple answer.. just one word, actually.

Ellie looked up at Frank, and with conviction in her voice spoke. 


Frankie looked at her, his mind awash with the unbelievable thing she just said, yet, having been pinned up against the wall and still currently dangling there with no support at all, he was starting to believe he was looking into the face of undeniable evidence that Ellie might not be so crazy...

"Gerard?" He whispered. Suddenly he dropped and landed on his feet. He looked up to Ellie, and took a step forward, but his left shoulder was forced back and slammed into the wall again. The pressure that felt like a hand stayed there, pinning him so he could not move.

"He's afraid you are going to attack me..." Ellie said as she slowly moved around the coffee table. "Are you, Frankie?" She asked as she stopped beside the chair, still a good 10 feet away.

"Ellie, I am so sorry... I just don't know what I was doing.. I don't understand what the hell's going on!" He tried to shove himself forward away from the wall to go to her, but was forcibly slammed back, knocking the back of his head against the wall, and making another picture fall to the floor. As the air filled his lungs again, he looked at Ellie with pleading eyes, and just raised his hand out to her. "Please Ellie, I'm sorry."

She approached him and took his hand, she looked beside her, "It's okay Gee, he won't." Frank looked to her side, so desperate to see who she was talking to, but still could see nothing. But almost immediately he felt the pressure holding him to the wall release, and he fell foreword. Ellie half caught him, and he hugged her. "I am so, so sorry El." Tears were forming in his eyes. He did not think he could ever forgive himself for putting his hands on her, and scaring her the way he did.

Ellie started walking Frank over to the sofa, "I think it's time to tell you something though." She said with a cockeyed smile.

"No Shit?!" Was all he could say back to her, as he sniffed, and wiped away a tear that fell onto his cheek.

~Sometime Later~

"Holy crap El, you should have seen him drop!" Frank was laughing so hard he was almost snorting.

"Why in the hell would you kick him in the balls?! On Stage?!" Ellie looked from Frank who was practically on the floor laughing, and Gerard who was laughing, but bright red, and looking at her through his fingers cradling his face.

"Men are so freaking weird." she said half joking and getting up to answer the knock at the door.

The three of them had been sitting there for hours, Frank asking questions only Gerard would know, and Ellie answering for him... trying not to blush too hard at some of the messages that needed to be passed. She evidently did not know half of what the boys had gotten themselves into just by reading the band blog, or had read on the internet. 

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