Chapter 29. My Way Home Is Through You

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Frankie broke every road law there was after getting the call from Mikey about Gerard. He knew he had to get to Ellie as fast as he could, because he could not get through to her on her phone.

Mikey sounded like he was in a state of shock. He explained that the Doctor took Gee off of life support, and the nurses had called him to tell him he had a very short time to make it to the hospital. He was racing there while he dialed Frank.

Frank was currently doing about 100 mph on the 101 dodging what little traffic there was, and hoping like hell there were no cops out this early in the morning. Surely Ellie was fine, and Gerard was there with her... he hoped. He reached his exit and barely slowed the car down as he left the freeway and onto the street. He felt like he was on auto pilot as he raced up the residential streets toward the house.


Gerard slowly opened his eyes.. the sight was just as fuzzy as the thoughts in his head. His hand slowly raises up and rubs at his eyes, then rubbed down the side of his face.


The voice sounded like it was coming from under water, but it was vaguely familiar.


The ringing in his ears was starting to die down, and the fog in his thoughts started to fade. The voice was extremely familiar.

He looked up. Even though his sight was still slightly hazy, he saw a figure. It moved closer to his face, and it started to become more clear.

"Linds?" His voice was dry and cracked.

A smile spread across her face. "Hello Gee." She reached down and held out her hand for him to take.

Gerard was confused, he had no idea where he was. He had no idea how he and Lindsey got here, or when. He did however feel very anxious about something.   He had an overwhelming feeling he needed to be somewhere immediately to do something. For someone? He just could not remember.

He tentatively raised his hand to take hers, and she helped him up. His legs were shaky, but he had his balance, and he felt strong.  He looked around. His vision was still clearing up, but it still looked like he was seeing things through a gossamer veil. Only he and Lindsey were in focus.

"Linds? What's going on? Where are we?"

She smile gently at him... and after a pause she replied, " You'll find out, Baby." She gently squeezed his hand. He looked at her, like she had lost her mind.

"You will start to remember soon enough, but as for now, we have to get moving." She slowly hooked her arm in the crook of his, and guided him through the misty surroundings.

"Where are we going?" Gerard noticed that as they moved along the path, the 'bubble of clarity' moved with them. Everything that was within a  ten foot radius around them was crystal clear, but everything outside of that still looked blurry. He looked back at his wife. She seemed so familiar, but different somehow. Like she had changed, and he couldn't remember when she had. He felt like time had lapsed, and he had been left behind somehow.

He must have been lost in this line of thought, because he suddenly realized they had been walking for sometime. He looked at his wife. She really was different somehow, he was trying to put words to it. She was still Lindsey. Beautiful, and sweet.. but there was something else.... Ethereal? Tranquil, Peaceful maybe?    'Peaceful?? Tranquil?? This is Lindsey we're talking about!'   He almost cracked a grin at his inner thoughts, then he quickly realized he still had no understanding of his current situation.

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