Chapter 14. The Walls Wear Denim

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Ellie turned around and saw Gerard casually leaning up against the archway, hands in his pockets.

Without thinking she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck and tucked her head into the hollow of his neck and shoulder. This action surprised him, but without thinking his arms instantly wrapped around her, and held her close to him. As he pressed his cheek to her forehead, his hand ran down the back of her head and stroked her hair.

"Are you alright Baby?" He instantly knew his mistake, he never meant to call her baby, but it just slipped out before he could stop it. However, she did not seem to notice. He let it go, waiting for her to answer him.

"Yes, I was just afraid that you were gone." she said sniffing into his neck. His calling her 'Baby' did not go unnoticed, but she assumed that it was something he said out of habit, or a mistake. But none the less, she was just going to enjoy it for now.

"Never going to happen Sugar." He whispered next to her ear.


Gerard held her close to him, and time seemed to slow down. He felt Ellie move her head a little rubbing her nose along his collarbone before slightly loosening her grip and pulling away. Instinctively, his arms tightened around her a little, but he caught this action before she felt it, and let her go.

She let out a nervous chuckle, and lightly cleared her throat. "You cleaned." It was more of an observation than a question. "Um.. Yeah." He shifted on his feet and mumbled, "kinda had to.." he hoped she really did not hear his rage earlier, but was pretty sure everyone in the neighborhood heard it. Gerard changed the subject as soon as he saw the questioning look in Ellie's eyes.

"How'd the hospital go?" he reached his hand up and delicately touched the edge of her ear, not wanting to touch the bandage itself. "Are you alright?"

Without knowing what she was doing, Ellie's head turned into his touch so his hand actually caressed her cheek as well. "Yes, I had a CAT Scan, and it said no damage was done. I'm just going to be sore for awhile." She realized the contact they had, and stepped back a bit.

She did not want to break the contact, but she still had only known this man hours, and it was a little out of character for her to be attached to someone this quickly... Let alone someone who is dead. It confused her greatly.

"Ellie?" Franks voice cut through the air. "What are you doing? Who are you talking to?"

Ellie spun around fast enough to make her head spin, "Frank!" Her hand went out to grab anything to steady herself. Finding a wall she latched onto it with a death grip. She felt a hand on her shoulder as well. "I ahh.. was just talking to myself... err.. going over the day."

She was having a hard time talking, knowing Gerard was standing right next to her, and Frank could not see him. She had NO idea exactly how long frank had been standing there, or how much he had seen or heard. 'Fuck, he is going to think I am a lunatic!'

Ellie felt the hand on her shoulder give her a slight squeeze, and with as comforting as it was, it only made the situation a little more confusing for her poor over-taxed mind.

"I th..thought you went home." She couldn't help but trip over her own words. Pausing at first, Frank held up the pharmacy bad filled with her meds, and gave it a small shake.

"Got down the road, and realized you left this behind, so turned around.... Why didn't you lock the door?" That revelation took her back a bit. She never...NEVER forgets to lock the door. Why would she do that? She thought back to coming home just minutes before, and realized the only thing on her mind was seeing Gerard, and she had completely blocked out everything else.

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