Chapter 20. Cat and Mouse

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Ellie's breath was shallow and uneven as she looked into Gerard's face. Just a whisper away. She was trying to think of something to say, but was having a hard time thinking straight with feeling him harden against her. Her body reacted, and she felt a pulling in her womb. She looked up into a sea of hazel, and before she knew it, his lips collided with hers with a little force.

After Ellie's initial shock wore off, her lips softened, and melded with his almost instantly.

Gerard felt her mouth yield to his, and his kiss softened. Gently, he pulled, and glid his lips against hers. He lightly brushed his tongue along her bottom lip, and she instantly granted him access.

Gerard and Ellie both lost themselves in that kiss. A kiss that made any romance novel pale in comparison.

That is until there was a knock on the door.


"Just ignore it" Gerard whispered, as he recaptured her lips with his. Gliding his hands up her sides and making her shiver. Ellie's right hand found it's way to his cheek, then around so she could tangle her fingers into his short hair. She opened up to him, and he deepened the kiss once again.

The knocking persisted.

Gerard's hands slipped down her sides past her hips, urging her to move her legs around him. Ellie felt his very prominent erection against her groin. She felt the slightest moan escape her. He smiled against her lips.

Knock Knock Knock

His smile faltered. He looked into her eyes, and saw her desire for him there.

Knock Knock Knock

He sighed, and lowered his head. She kissed him on the forehead as he lowed her legs back down, and started to stand.

Knock Knock Knock

He held out his hands and helped Ellie up, wanting to make sure she had her balance, and nothing was hurt from their short fall. She blushed at him, as he wrapped his arms around her, and smiled.

Knock Knock Knock

"HOLD ON FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" He roared causing Ellie to jump a little. "Sorry, Sugar" he whispered, caressing her cheek. She nuzzled into his hand. "It's okay, when I find out who it is, I am going to kill them." She said as she slowly pulled away from him, heading down the stairs. He watched his sassy girl walk down the rest of the stairway and head toward the door.

"You won't have to bloody your hands Baby, I will be doing the killing around here." He said in jest, but little did she know, there was a small part of him that meant it. Especially since his pants were tight, and he was very uncomfortable right now. He followed her, and got to the door just as she opened it.


"Hi Ellie.. err, am I interrupting anything?" He looked at her disheveled appearance and wondered if he caught her at a bad time.

"Ehh.. No. Not at all. Sorry, please come in." She tried to smile, but she was in shock. As she stepped aside and opened the door for him, she caught a good look at Gerard's face. There were so many emotions on it, she could have stared at him for hours trying to decipher them all. Of course, there was something else she would have rather spent hours doing, but now thanks to their visitor that just went out the window.

She started to blush as she thought of what she and Gerard were just about to do. 'Holy crap! Was I just about to do it with him?' The reality hit her hard, as she knew the answer. She flushed brighter, and wondered what he was thinking.

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