Chapter 15. Insecurities, and Self Loathing

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Gerard had instantly regretted urging Ellie to answer her phone. He knew Ellie was uncomfortable talking to this guy with him standing close by, so he turned and headed for his office as quietly and quickly as possible. He paused halfway up the hall, and turned back toward the kitchen, 'Maybe if I stay she will not agree to go out with him.' He stood in the hall and pondered actually making her feel so uncomfortable that she would not be able to make a date.

He turned toward the office again.

'Man, don't be a douche! She deserves someone.'

He turned toward the kitchen

'She's got me!'

Once again, he turned toward the office, and took a step....

'You're dead!'

He stopped. He turned, and took two steps back towards the kitchen...

'But I am here!'

Stopping, he looked up at her standing there, looking nervous, her head tilted, and a small smile crept across her face while responding to something 'the guy' said.

He sighed.

'You can't offer her anything, you don't even have a pulse... She at least deserves someone she can grow old with.'

Gerard had made his final decision before once again turning back to his office and disappearing behind the door.


Ellie had finished her conversation, and as she set her phone back on the kitchen bar, she turned and saw that Gerard was gone. She sighed, and went go clean up the pizza aftermath.

Justin seemed to be a decent enough guy, she could tell he was already briefed on her reserved nature. Probably by Jamia.... Frank probably just sat there and stared at him. (She chuckled a little to herself at that image.)

He seemed like a patient guy, and it felt like he was making a huge effort to make things as nonthreatening to her as possible. Which was a nice change from the average guy who was kind of pushy, and liked to wear the 'daddy pants' in all situations.

She wondered about Gerard though. Why did he leave?  Was he jealous? 'Oh for crying out loud dummy, how could he be? it is YOU we're talking about! What would make him jealous of you?' She sighed as she put the rest of the pizza in the fridge. 'Hell, he would probably LOVE it if someone took you off of his hands, and out of his house.'

She felt a tear slip onto her cheek. She looked down the hall toward the office, and wanted more than anything to run in and see Gerard, but knew that if he was in there, it was because he wanted to be away from her, and left alone. She finished cleaning up the living room, and slowly made her way upstairs.


Gerard looked down at a sleeping Ellie. He noticed that she had dried tears on her cheeks, and knew she had fallen asleep crying. It broke his heart.  Who hurt her? Anger welled within him faster than he could process. 

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