Chapter 12. Frank and the Gang

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Ellie and Gerard had sat quietly while Ellie ate her breakfast. Gerard watched her in fascination, and Ellie tried to sneak glances at him when he was not looking, but since he never took his eyes off of her, she was caught every time she tried to look at him. Each time he caught her trying to sneak a look at him, the corners of his mouth involuntarily lifted.

Finally, Ellie looked up and held his gaze, "These are really good." Ellie said with her mouth half full. Almost finished with breakfast, she made quick work of her pancakes once the initial shock of the morning had worn off a little.  Gerard gave a small bow and with a slight flourish of his hands said, "Why thank you M'Lady....I am the king of pancakes, ya know."

With his head still bowed, he looked up through his eyelashes, and saw her giggling at him. He thought it was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard, and he loved it.  This also told him that she was starting to relax a little with him. He fully understood why she needed time to adjust, if he were in the same situation, he was pretty sure he would not have been handling it half as well as she was, so he knew there was some story there. He would eventually ferret that out, but as for now he was just happy that she could see him, and he was still able to make physical contact with her.

That thought alone made him smile.  Physical contact..... contact with anything living would have been enough for him, but the fact that it was with her, was in and of itself unbelievably lucky.

"What?" Ellie asked as she saw Gerard smiling while looking at her.   Again.

"It's nothing." Gerard tried to stop smiling, he was pretty sure he was starting to look creepy. "It's just that after so long, someone can see me....and.." He looked down as he trailed off.

"And touch you." Ellie finished for him. 

 She was staring at his hand that was resting on the table across from her. She reached out and touched it, almost to prove to herself she could in fact still touch him.

He brought his head up and watched her facial expressions as she ran her fingertips over the back of his hand. She lightly turned it over, examining it. He let her have free rain to do what she pleased with him.  He watched her intently as she looked, turned, poked, and ran her fingers over his hand, and wrist. He savored every second of it, hoping it would last.

There was a rapid knock on the door, causing Ellie to let go of Gerard and pull away. He had an instant feeling of loss he could not quite put into words.

It took Ellie a minute to collect herself, and quietly got up, tip-toeing to the door to look out of the peep hole.   Gerard was used to this behavior from her. Over the last months, whenever there was a ring at the gate door, Ellie would go into 'super secret spy mode' and try to figure out who was there without letting them know anyone was actually inside the house. 

Of course, deep down she knew it had to be someone close to her like Frank and Jamia, because they were two of the only four people that had a gate code to even reach the door.  But never the less, she still had panic attacks whenever someone arrived at the house.

Ellie made it to the door, and looked out. She saw it was not only Frank, but his whole household.. one of the dogs included.  She looked back at Gerard, who she expected to still be at the table, but was shocked when she turned and he was no less than a few inches away from her on her right side. "It's..... SHIT, YOU SCARED ME!" she whisper yelled at Gerard, her hand flying to her chest to cover her racing heart .

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