Chapter 27. Razor's Edge

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Ellie stayed in the living room, curled up on the sofa while the guys went down the hall, and into the office to talk. Even though she wanted to know what was being said between them, she just could not get her body to move, or her mind to focus.

The mere thought of losing Gee was torture. Even the idea of living a single hour without him was nothing but gut-wrenching anguish.

'What am I going to do? Mikey said the doctors were going to take him off life support in only three days. Then... What?'

'Will he be gone... onto heaven.. leaving me here alone?'


'Maybe nothing will change, and he will remain here...'


'What if we can't touch anymore?'

'...Or Worse....'

'What if he stays... and I can't see him anymore? That would be torture for both of us!'

The more she thought about the different scenarios, the worse she felt because she couldn't find something that would be satisfactory for both of them to be happy.


'What if we were both on the same playing field?'

The random thought crossed her mind. A thought that made her racing mind stop in it's tracks, and focus on what it was really saying.

'What if I were dead too? Could we be together?'

'Would we be able to find each other, and cross into... wherever together?'

'Would he even want to...... or would he rather be with Lindsey?'

That idea made her heart break... and because it did... she also felt guilty. Tears sprung to her eyes in a flow she could not stop, or didn't have the will too at that point.

Ellie lost track of how long she sat there crying... only vaguely aware of someone's hand on her shoulder, and Frankie's voice trying to calm her. She felt arms wrap around her, trying to infuse her with strength, but she could only focus on the hazel eyes she saw looking into hers. Eyes filled with tears, reflecting her own. Gee's voice started to penetrate her fog clogged mind.

"Baby, it's okay.. Everything's going to be okay... Don't cry Angel....Don't cry, everything will be okay."

Ellie slowly realized that it was Frankie who was hugging her, and Gee was sitting to her side, and cupping her face so she would focus on him. She looked up and saw Mikey looking at her with an expression of someone who was getting his heart ripped out. She watched as he sharply inhaled, turned on his heel, walked towards the front door, and quietly let himself out.

"Mikey.. please..." She manged one last choked out whisper, but he did not hear it.


Sometime later Ellie found herself upstairs laying on her bed. Yet another pair of arms wrapped around her. She hadn't spoken in hours. Frank sat in a chair in the corner refusing to leave her. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Jamia.

"Hey Baby."

"Yeah, I'm still over here with Ellie."

"I think she's in shock... I'm not sure what to do." He whispered into his phone.

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