Chapter 18. Two Lost Souls, Swimming In A Fishbowl

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"Err...maybe Jams misunderstood. Anyway, Do... you want to go?" Frank finished with his cheesy grin. "We will be there the whole time."

As Ellie opened her mouth to answer she heard voices downstairs. She looked to Frank who had an mix of an 'Oh Shit',  and 'I'm Sorry' look on his face.

"Err... Sorry Elle. I'll let you get dressed." Frank was looking at his shoes like a 3 year old who was about to get scolded.

"Frankie.... Please tell me they are not here." Ellie looked at Frank with a pleading look on her face. "Pleeeease, Don't do this to me."  A very small part of her was still hoping that it was just the television on downstairs.

"I'm sorry... I swear,  I thought you knew."  As she looked up at her friend, she realized that he really had no ill intentions, and was completely innocent of this current situation. That left Jamia, who she was pretty sure would not leave her in an uncomfortable situation on purpose, (even if she wanted Ellie to get out and date.).

Or, Justin, who...  let's face it, she did not know very well at all, and Ellie knew damn well he would only be looking out for his OWN wants, and needs.  

'Bingo.. I think I have my answer.' she thought to herself. 

 She looked up at her friend, who looked like a puppy who was just about to be taken to the pound.   (AN~ Just imagine Frankie giving the best hazel puppy dog eyes ever.. awwwww. Okay, sorry.. carry on.)    

She patted the bed beside her, and he sat. "It's okay Franks.. but listen, I don't want to go. He never called me and told me about this, and quite honestly I don't really want to see him right now."

As Frank looked into her eyes, he was positive he was right about there something being 'off ' with the guy. He looked at Ellie and also knew something was different about her, but a positive different. Something has changed in his friend, something good... maybe someone good?

He shook his head, 'now's not the time, figure it out later.'  Pulling himself back out of his thoughts he smiles at the adorably disheveled woman on the bed.

"Don't worry Hun, I am going to tell them you are sick." She beamed at him.

He stood and walked back towards the door, before turning back. " I mean... why ELSE would you still be in bed, moaning.. at 9 in the Afternoon?" Ellie, once again turned bright red, causing him to laugh.

As he was closing the door he added, "By the way... I DO expect a full explanation of that dream you had, and why you are blushing so damn much!" He gave a sassy wink, and closed the door right before her pillow slammed into it.

~Meanwhile, Downstairs...~

"I know we are early, but..." Jamia trailed off while looking up the stairway, towards the voices.  She noted that Ellie's voice was not as warm and welcoming as it would seem a woman's voice would be if she were expecting her friends, (and her date) to swing by to pick her up.

She could not tell what was being said, and from the tone of Ellie's voice, even if it was only intermittent, she quickly decided that she really didn't want to know.

She looked over at the man sitting on the other side of the sofa. "Are you sure you told her about tonight?"

The smile that had been plastered on his face faltered, but was quickly recovered. "Of course I did!" Even with the smile, his voice sounded offended, and Jamia saw something flash in his eyes that she could not pinpoint.  All she knew was that it made her feel a little uncomfortable. "You know her, she's a little..." he gestured making a circle with his finger to his head, "scattered. You know." He finished by giving a little chuckle and turning up the 'high beam' smile.

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