Chapter 5. The Olympic Games

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Ellie pushed off of the door and walked to the kitchen. "Coffee... I... Need... Coffee..." pretty much her only thought in the morning ran along the 'coffee' line. She saw the Keurig on the counter, and felt a surge of relief run through her. It was sitting on a little stand with a drawer that held the coffee pods. She reached out to pull out the drawer, holding her breath a little, hoping it had at least one pod in there. The drawer slid easily out, and she saw that it was almost completely full... "Oh my gosh... THANK YOU!" She giggled over her own childish reaction.

She started opening cabinets to find the coffee cups, getting familiar with the kitchen. The things in the cabinets were a little dusty, but not as bad as it could have been. She found the cups.. A Lot of cups. She picked out a batman mug, wiped it out and stuck it on the coffee maker. She rinsed out the water reservoir, filled it, replaced it, and turned the machine on. Smiling in anticipation, she turned and opened the fridge.

"HOLY FUCKING HELL!!" She slammed the door shut as fast as she could, and gagged a little. Okay, maybe she should have thought about that a little bit more before she did it. Three years of stuff in the fridge... probably not fresh. As a matter of fact, it smelled like Death. "Well, I guess I have to clean that out." She sighed, wondering if the fridge itself was ruined. 'Probably not...well, hopefully not.'

The machine stopped, and she found the creamer, and sugar and doctored herself a cup of morning joy. She sat at the table and started thinking about the job at hand.


A familiar aroma crept into his office, like the spectral hand that beckons late night wanderers off of cliffs....Gerard's head snapped up... he sniffed the air... 'COFFEE!' was the only word that flew through his head, and before he knew what he was doing he found himself standing by the table looking at his favorite batman mug filled with liquid gold. His mouth watered. Well, his equivalent to water. A delicate hand wrapped itself around the cup, and lifted it off of the table, and found it's way to a pair of perfectly shaped, yet slightly pouty pink lips that pressed themselves against the rim of the cup, and sipped the delectable liquid.


He sighed audibly, and she looked up, and met his eyes. His breath caught. She tilted her head ever so slightly trying to focus on something. The time seemed to stretch out, and Gerard was considering asking her if she could see him. Just as he opened his mouth, her phone rang, making both of them jump out of their skins (figuratively on his part). Ellie jumped up and grabbed the phone off of the kitchen bar, and put it up to her ear. 'No', he already knew the answer.. she couldn't see him. But still, somehow she knew she was not alone. He knew she could feel something.


"Hey Franks!"

"No, I'm fine."

"What do you mean, I sound funny?"

"Pfft. Please. I'm fine, just sitting here drinking coffee."

"Yeah, I have a crap load of stuff to do...starting with...the fridge" She makes a face when she said that, and said it like it was a low budget horror movie.

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