Chapter 22. Puzzle Pieces

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"What the Fu...?" Bob lowered the papers, and stared out of the window. Searching his memory for the discussions that he and Gerard had had years ago.


"This guy's offering me 25% more than what my house is estimated at... it would be stupid of me not to take it, wouldn't it?" Gerard sat back and ran his hand through his hair.

"That's a pretty damn good offer Gee... but I guess the question is, do you actually want to sell? Have you talked to Lindsey about it?"

"Not yet, I wasn't even going to consider it, but the guy keeps coming back and offering more... he's starting to get really pushy about it."

"What do you mean by pushy? Like, he just loves the house so much he can't live without it, or is he just being rude and aggressive?" Being in the real estate business, Bob has seen everything from obsessions people form with certain houses (mostly because they have been owned by their favorite celebrity.), and people who just want a property because they know they can turn a major profit out of it.

"Actually, he's starting to get a little scary." 

"How so?" He had known Gerard for a long time now, and not once had  Gee ever said anyone was getting 'scary'.  Not even with the occasional threat he would get while the band was still together. 

"Last time I talked to him, he started talking about the safety of my family, and shit."  Bob looked up at Gerard, and saw he had run his hand through his hair again, making it stick up in all directions. He noticed for the first time since they sat down, that his friend looked tired... really, really tired. 

"Man, when was the last time you slept?"

"I don't know... I guess I have been loosing a lot of sleep lately." Gerard sighed, and looked somewhat defeated. "There has been someone calling the house at night." He leaned back and closed his eyes. "It wasn't a problem, but for the last week they have been calling non-stop. I had enough last night, and finally unplugged my phone."

After a short pause, he continued. "I tried to have the number tracked and blocked, but it was always a different number, and I really didn't want to unplug the phone, and then have an emergency pop up in the middle of the night."

Bob understood completely, and thought that probably had been the wisest choice.

~(end flashback)~

Bob sat back, and knew he was seeing a big sign, he just did not know what it was pointing to, or what he should even be looking for. But he couldn't shake the feeling there was something he was missing. One thing he was sure of though, the man that sent the papers that he held in his hand, was the same individual who was soliciting Gerard about the house before he was killed.

His thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing.

"Bryer Real Estate, Bob Speaking."

"Hello Mr. Bryer, I am calling about the Way property. I am interested in purchasing it, and I am in need of your assistance convincing the current owner."


Ellie had been looking for Gerard around the house, and finally decided to look for him in his office. As she tentatively opened the door and peeked in, she saw his silhouette leaning against the window frame, looking down onto the street. She saw that his brow was furrowed, and it looked like he was in another world.

She stood there wondering if she should disturb his thoughts, but after a few moments,  decided to back out and quietly close the door.

"Please don't go Baby." He said quietly, without looking at her.

"Sorry, I just wondered what you were doing." She walked in, and slipped her hands around his waist, and rested her head on his shoulder. "You seem awfully pensive, everything okay?"

Gerard sighed, turned and took Ellie into his arms, and nuzzled her neck. "I'm fine, I was just thinking." He gave her neck a quick peck. "How are you feeling today?" He breathed her in, and found her smell intoxicating. Without thinking about it, he nestled his face into the crook of her neck and started nibbling.

"Well, I was feeling fine, but somehow everything just started feeling even better." she was practically purring.

Before she knew it, he had turned them both away from the window, and she was pressed up against the wall. Feeling that Gerard was in fact feeling 'up' to something, she paused remembering what she needed to tell him.

"Gee, Baby.. w...ohhh... we can't riii.... ohh.." Suddenly she could not remember how to formulate words.

"Mmm?" He was only slightly listening to what she was saying, hoping whatever it was, it wasn't something that was going to interrupt his plans for the rest of the day.

", We can't right now, Frank is coming over in a bit."

"Ummhumm." There was no detouring him from his current course of action. Before she knew it, his hands were skimming up her sides and tugging and the hem of her shirt. Ellie couldn't help but sigh, and he took advantage of the action by kissing her, slipping his tongue along her bottom lip, and giving it a slight nip.

Ellie had completely forgotten the fact that they were going to have a visitor at any moment, and was currently swept away in the moment that was Gerard. Ellie's shirt came off with a flourish, and with a graceful flick of his wrist, fluttered through the air, landing on his desk.

Goosebumps raced across her skin as the cool air chilled her, and she pressed her body closer with his, even though she could feel no warmth from him. The thought bothered her, and brought her back to the present. 

 Gerard, however was still deep in the moment, and was attempting to undo the button on her jeans.

"Baby... " She was struggling not to get swept away again, as Gee was nipping at the spot under her left ear.

"UmHumm?" Curious as to what she was going to say, but still concentrating on her neck, and the damn button that did not seem to have a mind to cooperate.

"What about Frank?" She could only manage a whisper at this point.

"He can undo is own pants, I am only concerned with yours." He pulled back with a cockeyed grin on his lips, and finally looked down to see what the problem was with the stubborn button.

Ellie playfully swatted at his hands "You know what I meant!" With as fast as she was swatting at him, his fingers where still more nimble and very fast. "You are a determined man, aren't you?"

Leaving one hand on 'the job' of conquering the jeans, he cupped her cheek and pushed her back against the wall again. He leaned in, and brushed his lips across her's. 

"Baby, you have nooo idea.." And with that, he pressed his erection against her thigh and showed her exactly how 'determined' he was.  As he recaptured her lips, she instantly melted into his kiss, pulling him closer.


Asleep or Dead(Gerard Way Romance)(Haunted)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now