Chapter 24. You're Not Okay

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Ellie woke to a familiar buzzing sound, and slowly opened her eyes. 'Damn phone'. She felt very little guilt as she decided to just let it go to voice mail and listen to it later. As the ringing stopped, she smiled and started drifting back to sleep.



Her eyes popped open again, and she sighed as she glared at the device that was emitting the obnoxious noise.



"This better be good." She mumbled as she reached for the vibrating phone.

Without looking at the caller ID she slid the green arrow to the right. "Someone had better be dead or dying, Frankie." She scolded, automatically assuming it was Frank, since he was pretty much the only one who ever called her.

"That can be arranged... again." A dark, unfamiliar voice resounded clearly on the line.

"Who is this?" Ellie's sleepy head was in between thinking this being a dangerous situation, and it being a practical joke.

"You need to re-evaluate your situation, bitch... think about it long, and hard." Followed by the unmistakable sound of the line going dead. At once, all of Ellie's senses snapped to attention, and she stared at the phone in her hand.

-Unknown Number-

Ellie's mind started going over all of the details of what was said just moments ago. This wasn't the first 'Unknown Caller' that has called in the middle of the night. Actually it's been happening a lot more often as of late, but the difference between those calls and this one is... this time someone actually spoke to her.

Not only spoke to her, but threatened her.

An arm slunk around her waist and pulled her close to the body behind her. She leaned back and absorbed the strength it gave her.

"Who was that baby?" Gerard whispered next to her ear. She stayed silent, not really knowing how to answer. She set the phone back on the nightstand, turned her body and curled into him.

"Ellie?" He looked down, and saw she was focused on his chest. He placed his fingers under her chin, and brought her face up to he could see her eyes. "Baby, what's wrong? Who was it?"

"I.. ah.. I don't know." She tried to avoid his gaze, but was unable to.

Gerard knew it didn't take a rocket scientist to know when Ellie was not admitting something. The girl was such a bad liar. "Ellie, Sugar...." He used his serious voice.

"Umm.. when I said someone better be hurt or dead, I was joking... thinking it was Frank.. and it was a man that just said, 'That can be arranged.. again.' " She paused, and took a breath. "Then he said 'You need to re-evaluate your situation, bitch... think about it long, and hard.'." She refocused on his eyes.. "What do you think that meant?"

Gerard's mind instantly went to when he was receiving threats about the house. He hugged her close, and kissed her on the forehead. "Don't worry Baby, it sounds like it was just a prank call. You're safe and sound... I'm here. Go back to sleep, Dollface." Ellie curled into his embrace as he tightened his hold on her, and she let go of her fears and anxiety.. which surprised her when she thought about how he was able to allow her to do that. She slowly closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep again.

Asleep or Dead(Gerard Way Romance)(Haunted)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now