Chapter 30

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I can't breathe,someone help me please I can't breathe!

I sat, staring into empty space, hoping and praying that the scene in front of me was just a nightmare and that I was going to wake up from this warped dream, with Lani wrapped safely in my arms. A chill ran through my spine, it was like I had cold air blown straight through me, it was a feeling of nothingness, I feel empty. Like I'm thirsty and my thirst can never be quenched. There's no fulfilment. Whats the point in life if im not going to be happy. This feeling makes me feel sick, physically sick.
Yet to no avail everytime I wiped my eyes the horrifying sight stubbornly decided to stay. Everytime I pinched myself a sting, that seemed a little more painful than usual lingered on my arm.

I'd done everything I could have possibly done to save her but there is only so much I can do. It really pains me the fact that I put her in this situation and now I can't get her out. I cant explain to anyone how I feel. I'm losing my best friend,my soul mate right in front of my eyes and there's nothing I can do about it.

Do you know what the worst part is. It's the realisation that has suddenly hit me. I'm a very selfish person. During this period of time all I have done is think of myself.'I need her' 'she can't leave me here' 'I love her' all 'I' but what about everyone else what about Lani herself. She has too much to offer to this world to die.

Getting up from the recovery position I'd ended up in I cautiously went back to the window that seemed to be displaying Lani's last chance to life. I watched as they touched two things that looked like mini irons together. Then they counted to three and after three the contraption was connected to Alani's body causing it to jolt up and fall back down. Limp and lifeless.

Not knowing what to do or who to turn to. I turned to the only other person that could possibly save Lani. Someone I thought had turnedntheir back on me a long time ago. Until he sent Lani to me.

'Lord God , I know I'm far from what you deem acceptable. I know I'm not a good person and you probably don't care about me, but please save her. She's to amazing for this world not to inow that. I...we love her so much. Please? I'll change my ways . I'll give money to charity. I'll go to church on Sundays. Please just keep her, she needs to be here and you know as well as I do she doesn't deserve this. My parents have gone, please dont take another person from me that I love. Thank you because as Nonna says, 'if you pray with all your might and everything you've got he will hear your prayers'I know I've given you all I've got the rest are in your hands. Amen"

Opening my eyes I'm faced with the iron things connecting with Lani's chest again and yet again the out outcome is far from what I desired. After this try they start packing things away and the shock over takes me.

"Do it again" I scream to them
"Im sorry sir there's nothing else that I can do" the doctor says to me.
'Time of death..." a nurse starts to say but I cut her
"Do not finish that sentence, do what you just did again, because I've just prayed so God is my only hope. You need to assist God by doing that again" I shout at the doctor not caring about the scene I was creating

"Marco just leave it, she's gone" Gio comes and touches my shoulder with antear stained face.
"No" I say snatching my shoulder out if his hold.
"Do it again just one more time and I'll stop and accept whats happened"i say to the doctor, he shakes his head but still unpacks the equipment.

They charge up the thing and after three they press it against her chest. She falls back like a limp noodle. The doctor looks back at me with pity and sympathy and this is where I realised that either God doesnt exist or he really has turned his back on me because of my wrong doings.

I nod, acknowledging and finally coming to terms with what had happened. I watch as they place the sheet over Lani's face.

Just as I'm about to turn around I see the sheet thrown of Lani's face as her body jerks up and she starts coughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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