Chapter 29

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Lani's Pov

As I sat there coughing up the blood that was continuously pouring out of my mouth I couldn't help but want to give up. I mean what's the point now, Jay and her parents managed to escape this living nightmare. Hopefully they're somewhere safe.

I tried my hardest to stop coughing, but each time I stopped and held it in, the dark red liquid would just erupt out of my mouth like an active volcano and the sick idiot took pleasure in my pain and continued kicking me in the gut. I couldn't help but look up at Jace, who had sadistic smile plastered all over his.

"Whatever you just did, keep doing it. I like that she's losing blood. Oh this is wonderful!" he said smiling widely.

The coughing finally stopped and I spat out the last bit of blood left in my mouth. The strong taste of iron in my mouth made my stomach churn, it mixed with the slight cheesy smell that was in the air made me want to puke.

And so I did.

I spewed out everything I'd eaten the day before, trying so hard not to get it on me because I sure as hell knew they were not going to clean me up. I managed to get most of the puke away from me, however some spilled onto me and mixed with blood to create the most disgusting smell my nose had ever encountered in it's life.

"Well isn't this a sight to see, where's the popcorn. It's getting good, what's going to come out of her body next?" Jace said rolling up his chair in front of me. I would have said something back to him, but I was just too weak I just sat there my eyes tired from everything that was happening. I felt my eyes droop about to go back to sleep until...

"No one said you could sleep b!*ch get your fat ass up" the buffed up man said kicking my stomach and knocking all the wind out of me.

He turned to Jace and smiled at him for reassurance and Jace just nodded allowing the goon to think what he was doing was right.

All I did was sigh, I'm tired. Of course it hurt like a boob but at that very moment all I wanted was to rest.

"I'm going out I'll be back in three hours" Jace says to the goons and as he wheeled out of the building by the muscly,buffed up goon.

"Um can I get anything to eat or drink?" I asked my voice dry. I know it is a stupid question, but I can't help but ask.

"Are you stupid, of course you are not going to get something to eat we want you to suffer and feel pain." He said sitting down and pulling a magazine in front of his face.

My stomach grumbled again but I said nothing.


I've been in this place for 6 days now and I can feel my body deteriorating. I haven't eaten since the day I got here my stomach hurts so much from hunger, my head aches from dehydration and the smell of this place and me ,is unbearable. I've been in the same position for 6 days and my body has gone numb from sitting in one position, they won't let me use the toilet so I have to soil myself. I feel so disgusting and they love it, they love that I hate myself so much .

I feel disgusting I'm covered in the most disgusting and most un-imaginable things possible.

Two days ago the buffed up goon whose name I unfortunately learnt was Jerry left the room to go and get food and the skinny goon whose name was Rich needed to use the toilet , but he didn't want to leave me alone so instead of peeing in the corner of the room; he whipped out his bits and peed on me telling me "it's the cleanest you'll ever be, you dirty tramp" he said shaking every last bit of pee on me, I couldn't take it I tried to rip my hands free from the hand cuffs they'd replaced with the ropes with only to be pulled back. I wanted to destroy him limb for limb, I'm not a public toilet , I'm a human being for gosh sake I just want to be treated like one. Right now I feel like dying, I mean whats the point as long as everyone else is safe I really dont care.

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