Chapter 21

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"Ow! you bitch, you shot me" Jace screamed gripping his now bleeding left leg for dear life.

" Guys we need to leave now" Jeremiah said as we heard police sirens in the background.

We all ran to the van and Jeremiah who was in the driving seat raced off down the road.

Everyone was rushing around in the van,: hiding guns, cleaning clothes and calling up whoever they were calling and speaking to them in italian.

I on the other just sat in silence, letting everything sink in. my head stayed straight ahead watching the road as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

The Scene's kept replaying in my head, my dad laying on the ground in the pool of his own blood, the loud gunshot and the look on jace's face when he was shot.

I sat and cried, but I cried silent tears, I let a droplet escape from my eyes everyone once in a while.

Right now I didn't want to cause a scene I just wanted to go home and take a really long shower, then curl up in bed.

We pulled up to the house and we all got out. Jay and Seb got into Jay's car and Seb drove them down the road because it looked like Jay was in the same state of shock I was in. She didn't speak once while we were inside the van, she looked out of the window the whole ride.

As we walked into the house the boys started speaking italian.

"la sua non è sicuro più abbiamo bisogno di ottenere Lani e Jay fuori di qui, altrimenti otterranno male. Essi moriranno se li teniamo qui" Marco said in a panicked voice. hearing him sound so panicked made me want to know what they were talking about.

(Translation: its not safe anymore we need to get Lani and Jay out of here or else they will get hurt. They will die if we keep them here)

Plus I heard Jay and I's name so they're talking about us.

"non possiamo abbiamo ancora un sacco di soldi per la raccolta e le persone che hanno cercato di noi che hanno bisogno di essere curato Dodge. Se le cose vanno male vedremo."Jacob said trying to reason with Marco in some sought of way.

(Translation: we cant we still have a lot of money to collect and people who have tried to dodge us who need to be taken care of. If things get bad we'll see.)

I so badly wanted to know what they were talking about, but was the point when I couldn't speak italian. I just knew a few words that I had seen in recipe books.

So with no avail I carried on walking, but not before hearing a small conversation I understood completely.

"capisci" Jacobs voice boomed.

(Translation:do you understand)

"Sì ho capito" Marco said sounding defeated.

(Translation:yes I understand)

After that I ran upstairs not really feeling like to eat.

I showered letting the water splash over my skin and bounce off my shower cap.

When I finished I found one of Marco's tops and some underpants. I put them on and climbed into bed. I don't like sleeping in bras they get tight on me as I twist and turn at night.

Before going to bed I made sure I said a prayer asking god for forgiveness. shooting Jace made me feel so bad. I hated it.

"Wake up Lani, proms today!" I heard a voice that belonged to Jay.

"But what's the point. Do you not remember what happened yesterday" I asked her dismayed at her positivity.

"The past is the past. We have one day to get you all dressed and more beautiful, we're going to show Amber and her goons-"

The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)Where stories live. Discover now