Chapter 2

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The boy standing in front of me was  in no other word than H-o-t, HOT. He has blond hair that is styled in fo hawk , a piercing on his left ear and tanned skin. he has hazel eyes with gold specks. Oh not to mention his style. He has on black skinny jeans, a graphic t shirt and jordans. His style was on point.

I just stood there and stared, but soon enough I was pulled out of my trance by shouting, very loud shouting. 

"Can't you watch where your going, I could have knocked you down you idio-"

I interrupted him before he got to finish,

"I am so so sorry-"

As I was trying to apologising he stood there looking  uninterested. So I just stood there for God knows what reason and just stared at him.

He looked at me for a second before smirking and saying" like can you stop staring at me , I don't need to be catching whatever disease turned you into that"

He said before bursting into a fit of laughter.

The tears started to flow freely down my face again, as I continued to walk out the school building, only to get stopped by the gate, by none other than the principal himself.

"Miss Walters if you step out of that gate you will have a 1 months detention for skipping school" he said. I just carried on walking I mean come on, a months detention . He truly hates me. Normal students would get an afternoon detention for the next day. I could've stayed,  but would you ,if you had to go to school with people like them.

I put my eaphones in and made my way to the park I go to, to think.

Read all about it by Emilie Sande came blasting through my ears as I sat and listened to the words.

"You've got the words to change a nation

but you're biting your tongue

You've spent a lifetime stuck in silence

afraid you'll say something wrong

If no one ever hears

how we gonna hear the song

so come on , come on

come on, come on " When it came to the chorus I sang and cried, while swinging on the swings of the park.

"I wanna sing

I wanna shout,

I wanna scream till the words dry out

so put it in all of the papers

I'm afraid not they can read all about it

Read all about


When I finished someone touched my shoulder and I jumped, a little frightened.  I looked up only to see this really cute boy, he had sandy brown coloured hair swept over his face , I couldn't see his eyes because they were covered by Ray Bans. He had smooth olive skin and a lip  piercing on the right side of his bottom lip.

He was wearing a black t shirt,  black skinny jeans , black combat boots and a black leather jacket.  Although he was kitted out in black he pulled it off really well.

"Could you get off the swing so my niece can get on " he said kind of annoyed, I didn't bother saying anything,  even though there was a little boy on the swing next to me he could have asked.

"Chlarisa come on there is a free swing" The boy said. This little girl came out from nowhere, jumped on me and hugged me.

"Thank you for giving me the swing, that mean boy wouldn't let go on " she said pointing to the boy that was on the swing next to me.  Suddenly the cute boy came and pulled her from me looking all agitated, like I would hurt her.

"your welcome " I said

"Chlarisa I have told you, you're not to talk to stangers yet alone hug  them"

As I walked away I faintly heard Chlarisa say "Sorry uncle Marco"

in her cute little voice and I just smiled.

That little girl made my day. Now to make my way to my second nightmare, home.

I always make sure I get home early because my dad said that my curfew  is  five o'clock(I know right a seventeen year old with a 5pm curfew) also because I dont live in the safest neighbourhood.  I would not like to be walking those streets at night in the chance of getting shot at, stabbed or mugged

I walked up my front porch and opened the door. The first thing I did was make my way to the kitchen and prepare dinner for my dad and I. I put on the mask that I use while I'm downstairs because the smell is unbearable. 

After  an hour of cooking I was finished I made lasagna and garlic bread with a side of salad. I learnt how to cook from this Italian cook book that my mom gave to me when I was younger, I love to cook it's how I  channel my anger and pent up frustration at the world.

I've cooked all the recipes in the cook book and would love to learn more and thats what I used to do until my, stupid father broke the tv trying to swing a sloppy punch at me.

I put my fathers food  on the dining table, grabbed mine   and made my way up the stairs not before shouting out to my father that food was ready. 

While I ate my food my mind went back to what happened in school today, Amber, her minions, the principal , the students, the humiliation  and the boy who laughed straight up in my face without a care in the world. 

I suddenly lost my appetite, my mom always told me that not everyone could be a size zero ,that I should be true to myself and love who I am ,but how can I love who I am if my mother and father can't even love me. 

On that note I got myself ready to go to bed  and layed flat and closed my eyes trying to get a little sleep. As I was about to drift off into dreamland an uninvited visitor made their way into my room. Dammit I forgot to lock the door. 

I yanked me out of bed and I could smell the alcohol that was radiating from him. He pulled back his arm and smiled a sickly smile while looking at me.

Father you're drunk don't do this please.

He just smiled and pulled back his hand and brought it forwad and all i heard was the slap from the two skins connecting, as I  was knocked out cold on my bedroom floor.


so there is chapter 2 guys hope you liked you got a little glimpse of marco and her school life. oooooh and where is her mom and why does Amber hate her so much and who is this boy with the blond hair. Marco and Lani's introduction wasn't the best so how will they meet again.

like, vote, comment. your support is appreciated and I would love for you guys to comment and give me constructive criticism.

-Sarah xoxo

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