chapter 8

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"Close the curtains, its too bright in here. Are trying to make me blind"  I said trying to adjust to the light and the uncomfortable thing I was sleeping in. After saying that I tried to snuggle back into the what ever it was I was sleeping in, but the curtains were still left open. 

"She's awake!" I heard a familiar voice say.

" Tello can you close the curtain, some people are trying to sleep here" I said with my eyes half open and half closed. 

" Oh my gosh Lani you scared me, well you scared all of us"  Tello said, was this kid on something.  What is he talking about?

"What are you talking about? " I asked him, now I was scared.  I started opening my eyes and that's when I realised. 

" Why the hell am I in hospital!" I shouted and then heard a herd of foot steps coming towards my room.

The door burst open and there was a mix of doctors, nurses and the rest of the Morreli boys.

" She's awake" They all said together

" Tello why didn't you come and tell us" Marco said shooting daggers at Tello. Wow what's up his butt.

"Don't blame Tello , I was asking him questions,  oh yeah speaking of questions why the hell am I in hosp-" I didn't get to finish my rant seeing as Gio lunged at me to give me a hug.

"Oh my gosh Lani you scared me, well you scared all of us" he said, thats so weird he said the exact same thing as Tello. They are some freaky twins, apart from looking alike they say the same thing. Weird.

" I literally just said that Gio"  Tello said speaking my thoughts.

" Gio get off now, your hurting me "  I said as I realised Gio was squishing my sore tummy. 

" sorry " he said getting off me and looking down at my stomach,  as he did this I did th same thing. I looked down at my stomach and was surprised at my findings.

The doctor finished my check up and then left the room. Now it was time for questions to be answered.  The boys found somewhere to sit and the question and answer session began. 

" First of all what happened to me?" I asked. Jeremiah was the first one to answer. 

"  You had severe internal bleeding,   a punctured kidney from a broken rib that was what was causing you so much pain.  you also had some blood clots because of the severe bleeding and your body couldn't handle it so it shut down, which caused the episode you had" he said sounding all medical like. 

" Why thank you ,Mr doctor"  I said and Jeremiah just smiled,  I was listening to him while he was speaking but I was looking at Marco, he looked so drained and tired. He had bags under his  reddened eyes and he looked like he hadn't shaved in days.

"  question numero dos, why did you let these people cut me open?" I  said looking down at the massive white plaster that I presumed was covering a scar.

" Well it was the only way they could save you with a good percentage of you making it" Seb said.

"okay" was all I said

"Question three, how long was I out for?"

"You were out for about a week, 2 days, 3 hours, 36 minutes and 33,34,35,36,3-" Gio said  but was cut off by us telling him to shut up.

"seconds, not like anyone was counting"  Gio said and I just smiled. I can't believe I've been out for more than a week. Talk about record. I can't believe I missed it.

I think the guys clocked onto that there was something wrong with me and the look I could feel my face was pulling probably wasn't helping.

" Are you alright Lani?" Jacob asked me

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