Chapter 25

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"Marco where are we going" I asked as we drove down the road.

"Home" he said and my face scrunched up in confusion.

"Wait so you threw me into this car and you left Jeremiah stranded only to take me home" I said slightly frustrated.

"Yeah, Jeremiah can catch a ride with Jacob. There's more than enough space in his car" Marco said unbothered.

"But, why!" I whined.

"Because I needed to get you home before I did something I'd regret in that club, my brothers and I, we all promised our mom to save ourselves for marriage, I'd already let her down so many times and I'm not about to disappointment her again " he said seriously and slightly ashamed.

" If you are tempted to do something the best thing to do is get away from it or get it away from you" he said adding to everything.

"Well okay then" I said shocked by what this Morreli had told me.

After that we sat in silence for the rest of the journey home.

2 days later ....

So I've been in Italy for two days now and Jay and I haven't seen much of the Morreli boys. Not even the twins, whenever we do see them, they seem to be busy doing something important so I just leave them to it.

I'm currently walking down the halls in this gigantic mansion by myself because Jay is taking a nap , all the boys are busy and Francesco and Sicilia The Morreli's grandparents are visiting some people , so I was currently by myself.

As I'm walking down the hallway Something catches my eye. Marco's door's slightly ajar and you can see everything in it. Marco is sitting on the floor with his head in hands. Somethings wrong. Not wanting to see him so distraught I decided to go inside and see what was wrong.

"Marco, are you okay?" I said walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine" he said roughly snatching his shoulder out of my hold.

"Marco, just tell me what's wrong" I said trying to reason with him, but he heard none of it.

"Nothing is f!*king wrong, just get the hell out of my room" he shouted at me then turned around so his back was facing me.

Well I guess I'm not wanted, that actually hurt. A tear slipped out of my eye, but then I remembered that new and improved Lani does not cry. I walked out of his room and wiped away the one tear, whilst trying to stop the others from falling.

After that little altercation I thought it'd be best to just join Jay in the nap taking. I got back to our room and she was still asleep. This girl can sleep for England.

I crawled into my bed and looked at the clock.

3:45, I'll sleep for an hour then get up.

"Lani wake up , WAKE UP" Jay's annoying ass voice screamed in my ear.

"I'M UP YOU PIECE OF-" I screamed but got interrupted someone pushing me off the bed.

"Piece of what" she said hovering above with one eyebrow raised, challenging me.

"You piece of sugar coated lemon drops" I said with a sickly sweet smile.

"Okay why did you wake me up, I didn't wake you up" I said.

"Well Tello said that we have to get ready for something, he said dress formal in all black" Jay said.

"All black, what are we going to a funeral or something" I asked confused.

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