chapter 11

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"Shit" I heard one of them whisper as they all stared at me eyes wide and frozen in shock. To be honest at this very moment in time I'm taking slow steady steps back preparing my chunky legs to run as far and as fast as they can. I was by the door and ready to take off when someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed and elbowed him in the gut, I was satified until I heard the voice of who it was then I was angry again.

" Don't you dare sneak up on me like that again Gio" I said my voice deadily, just then Tello strolled up to me and froze when he saw what his brothers were doing.

" Look we can explain" Tello said almost pleading with me. I could feel a look of uneasiness spread across my face, but I gave these boys the benifit of the doubt(Stupidly) If they try anything I have my cellphone in my pocket and if I die no one will miss me anyway. 

"Fine,  but try anything and I'll call the police and scream" I said pointing at every single one of them. They looked at me then turned to Jeremiah who nooded and led us all into the living room.

'Oh lord, why do I have this feeling in my stomach that something big is about to happen. I mean obviously something big is going to happen, you just found the boys you live with and care for, packing away a truck load of weapons'  I thought to myself.

"take a seat" Jacob said and i did as i was told and stared intently at the ground as I heard the Morreli boys silently file into the living room, at this point I took the time to analyse my ankle which had swollen to the size of a watermelon and I was just happy to have some time off the ankle, seeing as I haven't been using my crutches.

"So..." Seb started. 

"You know how you asked me how we got all this money when we were in the car after I'd picked you up from school" I nodded to this confirming what he was saying.

"Well... we do have jobs: to get rid of any one who gets in our way ; to protect our families; to keep the family business alive and to wipe away anyone who is a threat to us and our families" Seb said with so much pride, right now I feel confused as to what they do.

"What are you police, detectives , I don't know army sergeants" I asked and all of the boys gave an uneasy look.

" Um we don't so much follow the laws of the land, we have our own rules that we live by. Our line of work is a little more family orientated and is on a need to know basis" Now this comment that Jeremiah made confused me so much.

"I'm confused, What do you do then" I asked my face screwing into a thoughful expression as I paced the room thinking.

I heard someone clear their throat and I swiveled around to see Marco step forward, I rolled my eyes and he spoke. 

" We're are a mafia, The Morreli Mafia"  he said with such a cold voice that I felt a chill run down my spine. I looked at all of the boys for at least a minute hoping one of them would say it was a joke, but no, they all stood there and looked at me their faces dead serious.  I looked at the shoes I was wearing , house slippers. I looked back up at the boys again they were still looking at me waiting for my reaction.

As I looked at these boys, who had taken care of me in the 3 weeks all the worst outcomes seemed to pop into my head and they all seemed to end with one thing, death!

I opened my mouth to say something , but I was stopped by another disturbing thought , I looked down at my slippers then my ankle and did what any rational person would do, run!

To be completely honest running was not the best idea, I got halfway to the gate and my ankle gave up on me .Dammit, I thought as I saw all of the boys spilling out onto the porch and run towards me.

The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)Where stories live. Discover now