chapter 4

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Its been  two weeks since the whole lunch room turned against me and two weeks since I found out my dad was taking drugs.  I am walking into third period which is English one of the only lessons I like. I walked in and sat down, the bell rang and the teacher began to speak. 

"class we will be doing a project, that'll be worth 50%  of your final grade, you will be working with partners" Mr Reece explained

I immediately put my guard up , not wanting to work with anyone in that classroom, they all hated me! while I was thinking someone put their hand up and asked a life saving question. 

"can we choose our own partners?"  the boy said and Mr Reece thought for a second then spoke.

"yes you may but , if there are people left behind you will have to work together" everyone's head snapped at me before they turned and started making their way to their friends. 

As per usual I was left on my own, what a surprise.  I started reading the brief of the project and writing down notes, when someone burst through the door. I turned and immediately knew who it was from the blond mop of hair on his head. Jace's hair was messed up all over his face, his cheeks were pink , he was slightly sweating and his clothes were just as messy as his hair, he also had a disgusting smirk plastered on his face.

He was about to sit down at the back of the class, when Mr Reece stopped him. " Mr Winters you will be working with Miss Daniels for a project that will make up 50% of your grade"  As soon as those words left Mr Reece's lips I was frozen, in shock. 

Jace on the other hand was oblivious to the fact that he had to work with me. My thoughts were proved right when Jace spoke "Where is this miss Daniels then" Jace smirked and Mr Reece pointed to me. As soon as Jace saw  me his face twisted in disgust. 

"I don't want to work with that thing" jace said his voice filled with distaste. 

"if  you don't work with her you'll have to work by yourself, which could affect your grade" Mr Reece said trying to reason with Jace.

"No! I will not work with that thing that's supposed to be human being, I'll work  by myself if I have too"  with that Jace found a seat at the back and left me sitting in the front looking like an idiot and loner.

It was five minutes before the bell ,when someone else decided to walk into the class room ridiculously late.

This time I didnt bother looking up, I had to  do a two person task by myself.  I knew Jace would just pay someone to do his work for him. Even if I did pay someone to do my work they wouldn't accept my money because they think I have a disease or something.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mr Reece walked to my desk. 

"Miss Daniels you will be working with Mr Morreli on this project"  Thats when my head snapped up to see Marco standing infront of my desk. 

He sat down next to me and looked straight into my eyes.

" listen, you don't have to do any work I'll do all the work and put your name on there" I rambled on

"look ... er... what's your name?" Marco asked me

"its Alani, but you can call me Lani"

"look Lani , I'm not going to make you do all the work.  do you want me to come to your house after detention"

" No! ... um I mean no, can't we just work on it in school" I said immediately for two reasons. One being my curfew is five o'clock and detention finishes at four .  Two being I can't let anyone find out what my dad is doing to me, it'll just give people another reason to bully me.

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