Chapter 24

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As the car drove I just stared out of the window, I took in all of the beautiful italian landscape. Italy is truly a beautiful country

"We're almost there, you guys are going to meet our nonna and nonno" Marco said to Jay and I, pulling me into his shoulder. I laid my head on his shoulder and just admired everything that went past.

Half an hour later we pulled up to the biggest house I'd ever seen in my life. It wasn't even classed as a house, it was a freaking castle!

The driver drove up the driveway and pulled up to the front of the house where a little old lady stood wrapped up in a man who looked fairly the same age as hair.

"Nonna! Nonno!" Gio and Tello screamed running out of the car, pulling their grandparents into a hug.

Marco got out of the car and opened the door for me, I took off my sunglasses and stepped in front of them ready to introduce myself.

"Hi I'm-" I said my hand outstretched but I was interrupted by their Nonna pulling me into a hug.

"You must be Alani " she said squeezing the air out of my body.

"And you must be Jay" she said doing the same to Jay.

Some people came out of the house and took our bags, which Jay and I tried to object to but we were highly ignored.

" Oh boys, you know how to pick the ladies. They are beautiful, you get that from me, the beautiful women always go for Morreli men. I mean look at your grandmother" The boys nonno who the boys introduced as Francesco said referring to Jay and I.

I looked down embarrassed, I mean I've just met the man and he's already complementing me.

"Hey don't be embarrassed you are really beautiful" Marco whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

With that said Marco walked away joining the group who were walking ahead.I needed to catch up withthe group so I tried to do a little run on my heels by slightly quickening my step and I was fairly stable so I quickened my step only to suddenly trip on thin air.

As I was falling I closed my eyes tight waiting for impact, it never happened. I opened my eyes only to realise I was in Marco's arms.

"Hmmm, you could have just asked us to wait up" he said his eyes filled with amusement as he tried to suppress his laughter. whilst everyone else didn't try to cover up theirs, they all stood laughing their heads off. Even the boys' Nonno and Nonna were sniggering.

"You can laugh" I said giving Marco permission to laugh. As soon as he was granted with the go ahead he burst into a fit of laughter which I soon found myself joining in with.

After we'd finished laughing The boys' grandparents offered to show us around their castle home. I objected because my feet were hurting, but no one knew that. my objection was overruled by everyone else's eagerness to explore the house.

We'd been walking for twenty minutes non stop and my feet were beginning to ache and I seriously needed a break.

"Marco" I whispered flicking his head.

"Ow, What!" he said sounding pained and annoyed.

"My feet hurt can we stop and I don't want to take of these shoes because I don't want my feet sticking to the tiled floors" I complained pouting.

"Okay we can't stop because we'll just hold everyone up, look I'll give you a piggy back ride, just don't flick me again" he said walking and rubbing the part of his head that I flicked.

" That's fine by me as long as you can carry me " I said shrugging it's his own problem if I'm too heavy I just need to get off my feet.

He bent down and I climbed on his back. He hoisted me up his back and began walking , joining the group.

The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)Where stories live. Discover now