chapter 13

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Lani's pov:

I'm here sitting by myself with a massive dinner plater infront of me , worried out of my brains. It's 12 am and the boys haven't come back. I know for teen boys 12 isn't late , but not one of them have called me and jeremiah left Chlarisa with me so obviously I assumed that he wasn't going to stay long.

Chlarisa is asleep in my hands, just because I didn't want to leave her by herself up stairs and to be honest I didn't want to be by myself down here.

12:34am, I heard a key slip into the door and relief washed through me knowing they were back. I lifted Chlarisa so her head was laying on my shoulder.

"oh my gosh guys where were yo-" I said , but my sentence was cut short by the sight infront of me.

"Gio, Gio! Oh my gosh please tell me he's alright. What happened to him" I say laying Chlarisa on the smallest coach in the brightly lit living room then running over to Gio's side on the largest coach.

"I'm fine Lani, gosh you worry to much. It's just a scratch" He said but grimaced through most of his sentence from the pain. He looked drained, so tired and in so much pain. It hurts me seeing him like this he is like a little brother to me.

" Lani step aside I've got work to do" I heard a voice behind me and thats when I realised that all the boys were there , they looked worried but not as worried as Tello and I.

I grabbed onto Gio's hands as Jeremiah opened a rather large first aid kit. He pulled out a needle, scissors, anesthetic , some gloves, cotton pads, water, an injection and a plaster

He cleaned around the outside to see the wound clearer, he numbed the area by injecting the anesthetic around the entrance of the bullet. he then used the scissor to pull out the bullet, luckily it hadn't gone down far. Jeremiah then sewed up the wound and covered everything with a plaster, and gave Gio pain killers.

Gio then finally let go of my now numb hand,that he was grabbing onto so hard it'd turned purple. He soon then fell asleep as effect of the pain killers and I sat in the living room with him. The boys asked me if I wanted to go up stairs but I told them no, before the last person left I grabbed them and spun them around , it just so happened to be Seb.

" Seb how then hell did this happen" I said gesturing to a now sleeping Gio with a distraught Tello by his side.

" Marco had killed Mario a mafia boss and his cousin Matao then shot Gio as revenge but had a bad aim so we think he missed any vital organs , but we're not sure we have to wait until morning and see how he does tonight" Seb said sounding drained. I just don't see why people would go out killing others for no reason but for money , what is the point. Things like what happened to Gio could happen and has happened.

" I know what your think, your thinking we're bad people. For just killing people, but we aren't its not all about the money for us, Mario , Matao and their men were bad people they prostituted little girls from age 5 to 9 and the girls would continuously be raped every night and we could not stand there and take it. So I hope you don't think we're bad people because we're not. Good night Lani" Seb said and all I did was nod after he left me stumped like that.

I walked back over to Tello who was sitting with his head in his hands cross legged on the floor beneath Gio. I sat cross legged next to him and held both his and Gio's hands kissing them both and laying my head on Tello's shoulder. This is going to be a long night...

2:34am , I've been awake all night and can't seem to go to sleep, I feel like if I close my eyes something bad will happen. So I'm just sitting staring at Gio's sleeping body. Tello had fallen asleep on my shoulder I wouldn't blame him either. He looked so tired, imagine how I feel and Gio isn't my biological brother.While Tello is his biological brother and lets not leave it at that he's also his twin brother.

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